Monday, November 24, 2014

Our Supporters

These sweet little things wouldn't have the opportunities they have if there was no audience for it!  It's so much fun when the people we love want to come and see what we've been working on.  It's gratifying, too, to show what it is that we do, and where we've been going in that black minivan all the time.  It's almost like opening your home and saying, "Come in!  This is where we live, this is what we love.  Let us entertain you."

Xanthe already has it all planned out for next year, how she and Esmae are somehow going to be in the same scene and dance together.  Fingers crossed!
After Nutcracker was all over, as if everyone wasn't sick and tired of watching it and hearing all about it, Bill and Coco messaged us and said, "Come over after church.  We want to talk about Nutcracker!"  They wanted all the backstage details.

Trajan has never been to see the kids in Nutcracker.  Can you believe it?  Micaela, thanks for getting him on the ball!  ;)  It was so fun to have you guys share our enthusiasm.
People have always thought Golda and Emma Kruitbosch were cousins.  In fact, they may have perpetuated the myth themselves!
Real cousins sometimes look nothing alike!
But they always love each other through thick and thin.
Yes, Freestone, you are a star.
These guys are always there for us, no matter what it is.  Thank you!  On Friday night, my cousin Laura, her daughter Adaline and their live-in Chinese teacher Amy, came all the way from Mapleton to see the production.  It was such a long drive, they stayed at our house Friday night, and we had a great time staying up as late as we dared catching up.  I wish we had had HOURS more to talk, Laura!  The pictures we took didn't get to my computer, so I'll have to fix that later.  I love my cousins, and love it when we get to see each other.  Laura is one step ahead of me in the parenting department (in more ways than one!), having just sent her first on a mission.  I follow her example as much as I can and rely on her wisdom and experience.

Scott came on Thursday and again on Saturday night.
Our two biggest supporters came to the theater for the Saturday matinee while Scott was getting rained on at the Utah football game.
 Kathy Nybo, my friend who is in charge of the boutique, knew that Araceli didn't make it this year.  She kindly offered to let my girl work in the concessions.  I am so grateful.  Araceli was thrilled and excited, and ended up running the whole operation herself, along with her little helper, the princess.
It was Ptolemy's first year to see Nutcracker, and he loved it.  He said afterward, "That was a SO GOOD play!"  He wanted to see it again, but he had just as much fun sneaking into the Party Boys' dressing room and seeing that the revelry going on there rivaled anything that happened onstage!  He will definitely want to be a party boy when his turn rolls around.  For now, he looks a little sleepy.  Hang in there, little guy!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Can't believe another Nutcracker year has come and gone. Thanks for sharing all the details with us. What a great week for everyone!