Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ding Ding! Round Two!

 Friday was King Family Thanksgiving
 Our stuffing can fly!  Because she is a true King, Xanthe went back and changed the spelling on this after dinner.  She knew it looked wrong!
 One day, I was messaging Olympe in France as she was also messaging my cousin Danny in Salt Lake.  She typed, "Danny wants to know if they are coming to your house for Thanksgiving."  I said, "Yes, I would love that!"  It's funny that arrangements were made via Lille, but it worked, and Uncle Jim's family came, minus Da who was in Thailand and Frank who was playing soccer in San Diego.
 We were also lucky enough to have Araceli's friend Elizabeth with us.
 And of course, Nana.  It's always fun to see her out of the house.  As nervous as she is to go out, at least it changes up her routine a bit.
 Jenn and Tyler.  The Mijatovic boys are soooo cute.  This one kept asking me, "Circe?  What's your husband's name?"
 Anders and Freestone, like typical boys, found common ground in video games and hitting each other.
 Have I told you we have two ovens and neither one works?  We could replace them, but we keep spending the money on trips instead, and to tell you the truth, I'm hardly bothered.  My mom and dad like to cook the turkey anyway.  And the other 364 day of the year?  Crock pots.  Wants and needs.  Who knew that ovens were a want?
 Thirty pound bird!
 I told Trajan and Micaela that we would need 6 pies, plus Emily's two chocolate mousse pies.  They were shocked at the numbers.  Then they proceeded to bring ten pies.  Well!  You definitely can't have too much pie.  That's what I say.
 Mike and Uncle Jim

 The people who own the property next to us are fencing it, slowly.  The boys played gopher in the holes.
 The Mijatovic gang.
 And the Doppjatovic family, minus a few kids.

 The light was good and Ruby had cured her hair, which is much too time-consuming to do more than...once.  We had to document the result.  Ruby is funny, and gorgeous!!
 Tryptophan doesn't seem to have an effect on me.  As soon as everyone left, Tziporah and I went to the Kaysville Nativity event at the tabernacle.  Little Tiz worked on puzzles and coloring, then dressed up to take part in the live nativity scene.  The only other kid there at the time was one of my ballet students, Natalie.  She and Tizzy made a cute pair, and even got photographed by a reporter from the Davis County Clipper.

 Tziporah represented a character not normally portrayed in the nativity story, the "Pink Princess."
 Then on the the next event!  Trajan and Micaela live a block away from Temple Square and invited us all over for the lights-on and - what else - pie!  Tziporah spotted a candy cane on the tree and said, "Should we just eat this?"

Tziporah looked up at the statue of the Angel Moroni atop the temple and exclaimed, "Oh!  I just loooove trophies!"  There has to be an object lesson in there somewhere.  For me, the trophy was being together with family and friends and logging memories.  It's a wonderful life.

1 comment:

The homestead said...

Love seeing all the wonderful things you are doing!