Sunday, November 30, 2014

Houseguests from Neighboring States

We had been looking forward to Zeljko and Jenn and their four boys staying with us for Thanksgiving.  We hadn't been looking forward to Jeremy and Jenny's four girls staying with us as well...because theirs was a surprise visit!  So on Wednesday night, the Mijatovic cousins and the Neeley-Dopp cousins converged on our house.  Zeljko and Jenn had David's Pizza for everyone.  A party was born!  We were happy to Have J and J's four sweet little girls as well as the four rambunctious Mijatovic boys, with sleeping bags spread from one side of the house to the other.  Hey, if you're going to have cousins over, do it big!
Jenn MADE this representation of my favorite hymn.  It's a little piece whose lyrics were written by my great-great-great-great grandfather, Parley P. Pratt.  We immediately hung it over the back door and began enjoying it.  Thanks, Jenn.  I love it so much!
The girls wanted to make an apron for Grandma, and Jenn is a master crafter, so we made a run to the craft store.  All kinds of creativity ensued, including Scott and his veggie tray.

Scott looks like the Shrinking of Treehorn when he sits on couches.  It's a weird phenomenon.

We spent a couple of hours watching Scott put together this masterpiece for Thanksgiving.  Nobody was allowed to help.  That's OK; we needed some diversion from the 17 kids that were doing who-knows-what with scissors and sewing machines and needles and paint and video games.  It's just better not to look.
Have you ever heard Zeljko's story?  It all began in Greece where Vladimir, Zeljko's dad, invited Scott and me to their campsite to share a bowl of fruit.  That bowl of fruit, in a way, is still being passed around, and we're so much the richer for it.

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