Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dopp Thanksgiving 2014

 Going to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Thanksgiving is one of the best highlights of the year.  It might even be my favorite holiday.  Everything is always so beautiful, so delicious, so welcoming and so comfortable.  I know Bruce and Marlene put an awfully lot of work into making it like this, and we all appreciate it so much.  I try hard to emulate Bruce and Marlene in the hospitality department.  They are so welcoming.  Everyone always feels at home in their home and at their cabin.  They work tirelessly, what seems like all 24 hours of the day, and the result is always something the rest of us can enjoy.  I admire Scott's parents so much, and I feel fortunate to be one of theirs.  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Tyler and Austin

The star of the show
The traditional tables were turned, as there was an adult table and three kid tables.

The siskins
Neeley, Araceli, Kayla and Grandma in her new apron

The girls also painted birdhouse ornaments at the sleepover and decorated a tree for Grandpa.
Scott and Jeff
Grandpa and Grandma reading notes Jeff and Richelle's kids gave them
Scott, Ryan and Rob, Jake's dad.

Xanthe has the best seat in the house!

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