Monday, December 8, 2008

Angels Among Us

My favorite phone messages are the ones that say, "I'll be bringing you dinner tonight and I'll be around all day to watch your kids if you need me." Most phone messages aren't that amazing, but Jennie called today and that's just what she said. Scott had Ruby at the hospital most of the day getting a CAT scan to see what, exactly, is wrong with her neck. With the stress of trying to get Ruby well, it was a great feeling to know, all day, that dinner was taken care of. Jennie showed up right on time, looking fabulous and laden with warm, delicious soup and all the goodies to go with it. Thanks, Jen! You're a life saver.

A little bit later, Aunt Michelle came and asked Ruby how she was feeling. She brought a bag of gifts; a manicure set for Ruby and surprises for all the other kids as well. Aunt Michelle knew exactly what the kids would love: chap stick for this dry Utah winter and work books to practice their school skills. Thanks for thinking of Ruby, Michelle, and for including the other kids!

I had friends calling and offering help, and asking how Ruby was feeling, all day. It's nice to know that if something really did go wrong, we would not be alone. We found out Ruby doesn't need surgery on her neck. She just has a nasty infection of her lymph nodes, tonsils and saliva glands. No wonder she's been in such constant and intense pain for the past week! Thank heavens we have such a great doctor and friend, Dr. Scheuller. He even recommended Sour Patch Candy to flush out her saliva glands. That's a treatment plan Ruby can live with!

Thanks to two of the best aunts ever. When I was looking for a picture of you two, I found countless pictures of your amazing children, but no pictures of the women in the background who make it all happen. So when Uncle Jeff showed up with a case of oranges to boost Ruby's immune system, I got smart and took a picture of him. Thanks, Jeff and Richelle! It was fun to see all those little boys in the car! I think Ruby is feeling better already, with her nails painted, soup in her tummy and a week's supply of oranges to keep her going. There's no better example of the Christmas spirit than has been shown to us today.


Jennie said...

Oooooo! You are so nice. We are so glad to have been able to do it for you! Heaven knows how much you help me! Plus, I know a thing or two about tests, long days at the hospital, returning to the chaos, and trying to make sure all the bases are covered. I'm glad I could help to make today a little less stressful. I'm also glad that you received such great news. Eat those Sour Patch kids Rubes! We want you well. :)

Jennifer said...

It must be said that in all of this, Circe offered to do stuff for ME today. So backwards! It pains me that I didn't do anything fou you, Circe. Please can I give you some resting time by having your children over?

I'm glad Ruby is on track to getting better.

Circe said...

Jennifer, you did so much for me today. You took time out of your day to rehearse with Ari!! That's huge. And you stayed with her when she didn't hold the whole notes long enough! That's even bigger! You're awesome!

Michelle said...

Isn't it great when the system of friends and family works so well? Get better Ruby!

Taylor Family said...

Oh my goodness. Poor Ruby I am glad to hear she is doing so much better. Give her a big hug from us and let us know if we can do anything for you.

Michelle said...

Yeah, I'm not much of an "angel" considering my little guy is pretty much a constant fixture at your house.

O.K. I'm sort of an angel, because I didn't let him wear the new improved CATS costume we worked on last night (stopped and got fabric paint) which to put it nicely is "a little creepy". :)

Glad Ruby doesn't have to have surgery!

Emily said...

get better Rubes, we are thinking of you!

love.boxes said...

O Ruby... feel so much better very soon!