Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

Thanks for all the years of generosity and perfection. The whole time I was a kid, you never disappointed me. I always knew you would bring me something special, and you always did. I peeked one time, you know. I looked down into the living room and saw the baby doll stroller I had asked for. I was so excited! But I learned that it takes away the magic to peek, so I never did it again.

Do you remember when Trajan's new pajamas fell out of your sleigh and landed on our roof? It was so funny to watch my dad trying to get them down! It confirmed for us kids that you really had come down the chimney! Who else would have dropped something on the roof? It was a couple of years later that you surprised us all with a giant puppy. If I had any doubts about you, they were all erased when I saw that furry little thing. I knew my parents would never buy a puppy who would turn into a 150 pound dog who hated to be away from people! Only Santa could know how much we would all love that dog. I think that was before my mom got a picture of you creeping around with your big toy sack. You looked skinnier than I though you would be.

Now that I have my own kids, I appreciate you even more. It's nice to have someone else do all the shopping and keeping track of presents. Since you deliver to all the children in the world, keeping everything even for just 5 kids must be pretty easy for you. I could never do it, but you always seem to leave the perfect gifts. You always know what is in their hearts. The joy you inspire in my children is, by far and away, the most precious gift you have ever given me. Better than the much-wished-for ferret you left in 1983, better than the skis and the dolls and the Swatch watch and the oranges and nuts in our stockings.

Just the fact that after all these years, you still care enough to brave the cold December sky to grant us all our hearts' desires, shows how much you love us. That's all we need, really. That's what lights up the childrens' faces. It's because they know you love them. Thanks, Santa. I love you, too.


Sarah Smiles said...

I agree. Thanks Santa! :)

Taylor Family said...

What a perfect post. We love Santa too. It is amazing that even when you are the grown up Santa can be just as magical

Erin said...

Sweet post... I appreciate Santa more now, too. I love the story of the PJ's on the roof. That silly Santa!

love.boxes said...

I love Santa!

Jenny said...

Great idea about looking on the roof for the Jammies. I love that! Santa is the greatest thing ever! Now if I could just get my kids to sit on his lap. How could someone so nice be so scary, even to a 5 year old.

Michelle said...

Yippeee for Santa!