Sunday, December 7, 2008

Best Friends

Who has friends who make Baked Alaska for fun, who learn new skills and hone old ones to make Christmas gifts, who bring hostess gifts to parties and call the day before or an hour prior to a party to see what you've forgotten? Me! I have friends who do all that and more. These are girls whose wardrobe choices I remember from second grade (Allison's Perfect Person shirt!) They are girls I stood behind at the barre for years on end, whose birthday parties I ice skated at, who carpooled with me to violin lessons, whose sketchy college boyfriends I remember, the girls who threw wedding showers and baby showers for me and continue to support me in everything I do.

Last night was another baby shower/birthday party/Christmas dinner. Sarah's birthday is Christmas Eve, so we have to stretch out the celebrating. Happy early b-day! As we await Tiffany's new baby girl, we laugh about how far we've come since high school, when the thought of keeping another human being alive was beyond our grasp. Now we have 27 kids between us, and they're all alive and thriving. And that's not even counting the kids of the girls who couldn't make it last night. Who would have thought? :)

Scott took all the kids to dinner and a movie so my girlfriends and I could celebrate late into the night. (Thanks, Scott!) We all came away with a big pile of gifts, each one of which is perfect. Thanks, Davis Girls! Love ya!


Michelle said...

Isn't it great the collection of perfect party memories we are making?! Last night was so much fun and I feel like Tif, sort of sad it is over. So much fun to be there in real life this year! Thanks Scott and Circe for hosting the girls once again, you are the best hosts!

Queen Elizabeth said...


love.boxes said...

It was the most fun party ever. Thanks so much Circ! Everything was so beautiful too and that was the best soup ever!

Sarah Smiles said...

So nice!

Lisa and Tate said...

You are so lucky to have these friends.... Like Queen Eliz comment... JEALOUS!

SSWS said...

Great Party! Thanks for hosting! I still think it would be a great SNL skit...all the hand-made gifts could make us a fortune! Maybe one day we can open a shop. I never knew I had such talented friends....and they don't mind that I don't have the skillz~! Also, it was fun to initiate A to the gift process....we've been there! Thanks Circe! And can't wait for the new Tiff baby. Maybe another party??