Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Birthday

For almost as long as I've been celebrating my own birthday, I've been celebrating Sarah's. Ice skating parties, tree trimming parties, Festival of Trees parties...I have to hand it to Sarah's mom for putting on such wonderful events in December! Happy birthday, Sarah! I hope you're in for some snowy fun today. Thanks for giving me a definition of friendship that few ever get to experience. You are amazing! Love ya!


Maria said...

Circe! I was going to post one on Sarah but you did a great job! I agree with everything you said and feel extremely lucky to have her as a big sister!

SSWS said...

I can't believe you still have that invitation!!! I don't even have my old birthday invitations. Thanks for the nice words...the feeling is mutual. It's been a good day, Merry Christmas!

Michelle said...

Growing up Sarah-and-Circe were practically one name at our house. Your names were always linked in my stories. I am glad we are all still linked! I got Sarah's beautiful Christmas card today and it seemed so appropriate on her birthday. Sarah has always been an example of such grace and class to me. I too am impressed you have that invitation!

love.boxes said...

Happy Birthday Sarah! We love you!