Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You Are Invited

My kids are having a recital tomorrow. It's mostly Araceli, who has been working hard on several pieces to perform, with a few things from the other kids. We planned the recital, booked the venue and practiced with the pianist. So, all systems "go," except I'm not sure we'll have an audience, due to my procrastination. Ari gave invitations to all the kids in her school class and ballet class, but most of them don't have a drivers' license, so I'm not sure anyone will venture out. I meant to invite all of you, just to torture you with kids wielding musical instruments, but...uh...I forgot.

So, if anyone can come to a recital Thursday from 5:00 - 5:30 at Academy Music, you're welcome to bring your noisy kids and wiggly babies. Mine will be there! Thanks.


Maria said...

We would love to come but I am heading off to another concert. Sorry! I hope to make it to the next one. Can Emma play Taka Taka Jump Jump, A section LH only?:)

SSWS said...

We'll be there! And so will the "wiggly kids."

Anonymous said...

I would love to attend the recital but my dad is in the hospital and so I have to send regrets. Hoping it all goes well:) And hoping Ruby is feeling well also.

Lisa and Tate said...

You make it so tempting, but sadly I will be attending another torture, oooppps, musical extravagnza of my niece's.. Oh how I love all those sweet angel voices singing Christmas songs!

Elisa said...

I would absolutely love to come... but its Jefe's firm party tonight.

I am sure your gig will be more entertaining than mine!

love.boxes said...

Count us in.. We hope to be there!

Michelle said...

Why was I thinking this was after baller?