Thursday, July 23, 2009

Heroes in Mom Jeans

Just kidding...none of my heroes wear Mom Jeans except President Obama. (You heard about the baseball game, right?) My heroes are moms in very stylish clothing. :) I just have to give a shout-out to the girls who have helped me rest and rehabilitate my stomach muscles while focusing on my tiny babe. Many of our friends have helped us, and we have been very spoiled. I get phone calls every morning saying essentially, "What's my assignment today?" Coco, Jennie, Emily, Gingham Michelle, Nadine and Sarah have taken the kids for more hours than I can count and continue to arrange to bring us dinners, groceries and Scott's favorite cinnamon rolls. Every day, my mom takes all the kids to French class and then whisks two or three of them off on fun adventures for the rest of the day. Anyone who has had a baby knows the huge relief it is to have somebody focus on the older kids and let them feel cared-for. Right now, with Golda and Ruby at Harry Potter with Coco, Xanthe getting ready to go to Costco with Emily and Freestone planning his next rendezvous with Collin, I am completely free to teach Araceli how to hold her baby brother safely, without distraction. She loves it, and I'm grateful to have that one-on-one time. Plus, when Scott gets home, I feel like I haven't seen the other kids all day, which gives me the energy to take them somewhere in the evening while Scott holds his last baby and marvels at his sweet face...before he grows up.

Thanks, moms.


Jennie said...

You are so welcome! If I would have thought about it before hand, I should have kidnapped Free for a day at the lot while we were there for the trailer delivery today. We had one more seat belt in our car. I was a little too scouted out last night when we saw you after Pack Mtg. to even think about it.

I know what you mean about helpers though. Sometimes I think people might be afraid to call because they think others will call and help and they don't want to bug you. But.... in all actuality, every new mom knows that the more calls offering help the better.

Sometimes people always say, "call if you need anything - I'm right here." But.... chances are, most people are not going to call and ask for help. At least I don't. I always think I can do it by myself.

I'm so grateful for your example. You have taught me how to serve. You are ALWAYS helping others; watching children, dropping off unexpected notes and treats, making inquiry phone calls to see how we are doing etc. You are wonderful and I'm just SO happy to be able to finally return one or two of the favors you have extended to me over the years.

We love you guys and can't wait to see lil P and the kids again tomorrow.

laurel said...

Wow! That is awesome.

Michelle said...

What comes around goes around. This is why I enjoy our friendship more with every year! I wish I was either closer or had a bigger vehicle so I could swip me some kids too. I am so proud of you for letting us help. It is so fun to be a helper, sometimes we women struggle to let others help us. You are always there when the rest of us need you so enjoy your turn for a bit!

Elisa said...

You are a lucky and blessed woman.

Savor every single moment with that little guy! As you well know, they grow up entirely TOO fast, and the last one is the most bitter sweet of all!