Thursday, October 29, 2009

Xanthe Montanthe

Xanthe had more gigs this week than Miley Cyrus. Tuesday it was a trip to the fire station. Wednesday a preschool program, in which 13 costumed kids assaulted the audience with wildly enthusiastic songs. Tolly was crying out of sheer terror the whole time, but you couldn't hear him above the kids' performance. Xanthe told me that her teachers told them to sing loud, and boy were they obedient. Her teachers are wonderful, and the performance was adorable. Today was the other preschool's program. This performance was almost the polar opposite of the first one, probably due to the fact that most of the kids were having heat stroke inside their costumes. They were mostly catatonic for the duration, but they still managed to be incredibly cute. Izzy came to support Xanthe's career on the preschool performance circuit. Afterwards, they lunched at the Bun Basket where Xanthe had to fight off adoring fans who recognized her from her performance of "I'm a Mean Old Witch With a Hat." OK, that last part isn't true, of course, but Xanthe takes her singing very seriously. Soon she'll be practicing for her Christmas performances. First, though, we have to get through the mountain of candy the kids have accumulated. And it's not even Halloween yet!


Anonymous said...

That is great that Xanthe sings so well for an audience. Em just stood there and looked worried. Oh was cute anyway! Xanthe's costume is great.

Jennie said...

Thanks again for letting Iz tag along today. All I heard about this afternoon was how much FUN she had and when she gets to play with X again! I'm so glad they have each other.

Michelle said...

Okay, this is so funny because I don't think you heard the whole conversation Xanthe and I had about the mean old witch song at Bun Basket! I told her it is my favorite!

Jenny said...

Cute little bee! Love the pic of X and Biz from behind. Best buds!!