Saturday, May 22, 2010


How often does a duckling come strolling into your yard? Especially when your yard is being guarded by a dumb dog and a very smart cat, either one of whom is likely to eat and/or maul a baby duck? This poor, unfortunate soul waddled right up to Star, who barked at it, alerting Sinatra that a meal was on the loose. All you can eat duck! Before the cat could get a second shot at the duck's head, I rescued it, thus saving Freestone and Ruby from years of therapy. No kid wants to see a soft, cuddly duckling ripped to shreds by their pet!

Speaking of pets, it looks like this one is here to stay, getting the Ritz treatment until it dies or gets big enough to live at Barnes Park. I almost suspect that the innocent-looking little guy was unleashed by one of my kids who imagined - correctly - that a duckling would bring all the Saturday yard work to a halt. Freestone has named him Tyler, and is asking me at this very moment, "What should we do for Tyler's birthday?" I'm asking myself at this very moment, "What should we do for Tyler's funeral?" His head trauma does not bode well for his longevity. There may be therapy down the road after all.


Lexie said...

I love getting a new pets too!

Michelle said...

Why does this post make me think of a certain easter egg hunt and some chicks? Hoping this one ends well!

the H family said...

Well, if Tyler sticks around, we have a WHOLE bunch of duck/turkey food, left over from our own duckling rescue a couple of years ago. It was an awesome adventure! Jaime cam bring it to Ryan at work. Just let us know!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with Tyler. Hopefully he enjoys a long and pampered life. I'm glad you saved him from the cat:)

Anonymous said...

He's sooo cute. why can't a duckling wander into our yard?
The most interesting thing ever to enter our yard was a frog named kermit.

laurel said...

That is so cute!!! When our ducklings hatch from the wild duck mama in our yard we should have 6 of those.

The pics. looked so cute, I really can't wait. And, I think it is great your dog didn't eat it. It is meant to be!!!!

Michelle said...

As Brittany's mother I have to add to her comment, ducks have always been her favorite animal. It was even her first word!

The homestead said...

Good luck with the duck.

Kristi said...

Oh, he's the cutest thing! Good luck with that. gulp.