Wednesday, May 5, 2010 Bach

Araceli is preparing for the recital next week.  Here is March, complete with flaws that will (hopefully) be ironed out by recital time.  Ari is wonderful at practicing diligently at 8:00 every morning.  The concession is that I don't help her.  A book I read recently said that when you become frustrated in a situation, you've helped your children enough.  I have found that to be true and tried to walk away at times.  The combination of Ari, me and the cello is often a very frustrating venture for both of us.  So this is her gig.  She could progress faster with more help from me, but it would be at the cost of our relationship.  Besides, giving her ownership of her practicing is teaching her discipline.  Her teacher is incredible at pushing her in a good way, not letting her slide and building at each lesson on what she is able to achieve in a week.  I am so thankful for good teachers.  Their influence cannot be overstated.  Ari's Saturday lessons with Mr. Marsden, I wouldn't trade for anything.  She is learning accountability, responsibility, preparation and music, too.  She does it all the Ari way.  The lesson I'm still learning is that the Ari way is just fine.  Wonderful, even.


Jennifer said...

Great job, Ari!

Anonymous said...

Oh Ari, that is so great! I love the look of intense concentration on your face.

Jennie said...

Bravo! Well done Ari!

Lexie said...