Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ground Rules

Oops!  Ptolemy fell into a big puddle while he was gardening.  The ground was yummy!  Which reminds me, it's time to lay down some ground rules for summer.  All you kids out there, I hope you're ready for some fun!  If you're coming to my house to play, and I hope you are, let me tell you what to expect.

First, do not count on eye contact, or other acknowledgment that you are here, from me.  My sole job is to provide a venue for fun, and occasional snacks.  If you have a story to tell, tell it to someone under four feet tall.  I will be busy doing my "homework."  It may look like I'm reading a novel, and it may look like I have peanut M&M's hidden under my picnic blanket.  I'm not and I don't.

You can paint, make paste, do Play-Doh, or use grocery items for science experiments, as long as you can stick with it long enough to justify the mess.  Like three hours.

If your mom asks you why you played outside the whole time, the correct answer is, "Because nature is full of wonders."  Not:  "Because Ari's mom locked us out."

If we're at the park and I say, "Get in the car," GET in the car.  I will leave you.  (You might want to bring a 72-hour kit, just in case.)

Snacks are generally limited to carrots, peanut butter sandwiches, questionable grapes and water from the hose.  If there is anything yummy to eat, you won't be able to find it.  I'll tell you a secret, though.  If you're nice (and I'm out of caffeine) I might take you to get ice cream or a Slurpee!

Lastly, if you go home looking like Ptolemy after a day of gardening, my job is done.  Now all we have to do is convince your mom that you are soaking wet and covered in dirt because you had fun, not due to negligence.  That's our story.  And hopefully, a true story.


Kristi said...

I'm in! Is there an age limit for summer guests? Slurpee runs?

Jennifer said...


Eliza2006 said...

My kids will be right over...everyday! I'm going to love living so close to you LOL!

The Mink Family said...

Soooo funny! Sounds like a great summer at your house!!

Michelle said...

I love that dirty face! He looks like he is just loving it! Count us in!

Anonymous said...

I love his face too! Your house sounds like an ideal place for a kid to spend the summer. Hey, I read The Red Thread...and it was disappointing. Someone needs to write the book (hint!)

Taylor Family said...

When can I send them. That looks like so much fun!!! My boys love coming to your house.

Amanda said...

Those rules sound fair to me. How often can I drop my kids off? Are you interested in replacing the Young's for the summer? What will I do without them?