Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh Rats!

Xanthe this morning at the dinosaur park, BEFORE she knew she would end up left behind at the dentist's office.

 Xanthe after her rescue.  I told her to look sad.

I told you the end of the school year was going to get crazy. Today we had a field trip to the dinosaur park, a violin lesson, two major repair deadlines, a playdate, three ballet classes, two play practices, a baseball practice, a cello lesson and five dentist appointments, and Scott had a lawyer thing to be to tonight.

Is it any wonder that I accidentally left one of the kids at the dentist in a big, padded mouse costume?

Here's how that can happen:  playdate game needs a mouse, no time to change, everybody loves rodents right?, go get in the car. (I don't even think in coherent sentences anymore.)  Contributing to my general state of confusion with six kids plus a cousin at the dentist's office, the dentist informed me that Freestone has genetically damaged teeth and his permanent molars are growing in looking like Swiss cheese. All I heard after that was, "Two thousand dollars." I think my ears were ringing.  So apparently, when I commanded, "OK, everybody in the car, let's get Ari to cello!" Xanthe was still getting an x-ray. We were almost home before somebody said, "Hey, where's Xanthe?"  I should have known she wasn't there by the lack of heckling coming from the "way back."

I immediately called the dentist office and said, "Sorry, but I think I left one on my kids there.  It's the five-year-old dressed as a rat?"
"Yes, you did, and she is just fine.  She just chose a toy from the treasure box and she's watching Finding Nemo."
That sounded like so much more fun than what we were doing, I was tempted to ask if she could stay until closing time.  Instead, I told the receptionist I'd be right back, after I ran home to get Ari's cello and picked up Golda from ballet.  What?  She was happy!  Don't judge.  In fact, I am seriously considering dressing her up again tomorrow and sneaking her into the waiting room with some big family who won't notice, while I drive carpools.  'Cause we don't have a TV in our car, and Xanthe loves Finding Nemo.


Michelle said...

See I almost think you pulled that one to give us all comic relief!Man do we need comic relief right now! She is the cutest sad rat ever! Better luck tomorrow!

Tiff said...

Your post absolutely made my day!! I can't get the big smile off my face! You have to be one of my favorite moms in the world and I don't even know you directly!! Your Blog makes me so happy!! (Michelle's sister Tiff)

Paige said...

Priceless! "Hey Mom, remember when you left me at the dentist's office in my rat costume?" She'll remember forever and if she doesn't her sibs will remind her. It's important for a kid to get left occasionally b/c it reminds them of their importance.

As for the "way back there" thing, I often drive out of the garage missing a kid because it's so far back there to the last seat, plus a little dark in the garage. I try to remember to look again when I'm in the light but if I do forget someone, they all know my cell number. Except Bea. She doesn't know my number and I'd NEVER forget her! The rest of them deserve to be left if they can't get to the car on time, you know?

Also, I know I rarely comment but I really love your blog. And please tell Sarah S I said hi because I miss her. And that I'm fine even though divorce sucks because I know she's wondering and why not leave it here where the world can view?

Sorry Circe, it's late and I have diarrhea of the keyboard, apparently. Also? I'm overwhelmed by your life. The only thing we had today was a pack meeting and we skipped it because it was too close to bedtime.

Jennifer said...

See, all you need to do is dress Freestone in the rat costume for the next dentist trip, because I hear their teeth keep growing and growing.

Your ability to laugh at yourself is grand. If it makes you feel better, I PURPOSELY left someone, maybe two, at the dentist one time to shuttle their sister elsewhere.

Sorry for Freestone's woes -- especially woes with a price tag attached.

Emily said...

I was left at a baseball game, forgotten at ballet numerous times, and the zoo. I turned out fairly normal. So funny.... I would have completely zoned out at the $2,000 comment too. Lets start a save Freestones teeth fund.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there until the end of school..Oops..for you it doesn't end there! Well hang in there until Tolly turns 19:)
I think I told you about the time my brother was left at a gas station in Nephi and my mom found out about it many many miles later:)

Jennie said...

Oh my gosh. I'm laughing so hard. I love that you tell it how it is. I have felt a little crazed all week. I totally got your post.

BTW, the rat costume is awesome.

The homestead said...

You are the best Circe!

Jenny said...

All I have to say is I laughed out loud! You are the best Circe, and do good at handling life's little problems, not to mention a CRAZY schedule!

Taylor Family said...

That is awesome. I remember one time I forgot Austin he was only two weeks old and I forgot he was with me. I got out of the car went in the gas station and bought stuff. I wasn't there long but I felt so bad that I didn't remember he was with me.

Annissa said...

I am laughing so hard and love your real life motherhood moments! They bring a smile each time I read about a new adventure.

Kristi said...

Funniest story EVER. I love how you put things. I'm literally wiping tears from my eyes. So glad you have a blog. I love it. I need it.