Sunday, May 2, 2010

Extreme Kid Makeover

Araceli's cello teacher said she was leaning forward to squint at the music and that he was concerned about her vision.  "Yeah, right, her vision," I thought.  "She's squinting as a stalling technique when she hasn't practiced the piece enough."  I did notice the music stand being awfully close to her cello, though, and took her in for an eye exam.  Sure enough, she is having trouble seeing up close and came home with two pairs of cute, trendy glasses.  The optometrist assured me that in addition to being stylish, the glasses would help Ari concentrate on her nighttime reading better.  Hey, I'll pay good money for improved concentration, and I did.  Glasses ain't cheap.

Following up on the makeover theme, Ari had a well child check, a haircut and a shopping trip with Grandma and Grandpa this week.  Thanks to their generosity, she came home with new shoes and socks and a soft, pretty jacket.  To go along with her new look, she fabricated a robot costume at Coco and Bill's while the rest of us were visiting.   The right side of Araceli's brain is continually in motion.  We're working on the left side, the side that controls reason and rationality.  But that's another story.  Ari, we like you just the way you are.  It's exciting being a passenger on your roller coaster. 


Jennie said...

Ari! I love your new glasses! So stylish! I'm glad you had your special date with Grandma and Grandpa. I can't wait to hear all about it!

Michelle said...

Ari looks so cute!

2kidmommy said...

Your new glass are fab! I was so excited at church today...there was a new couple and guess what the mom's name was? Aricelli! It will be easy for me to remember her name!

laurel said...

We love glasses around here! So far, only Maylin is without them. Congrats to you, you look great in them!

Love the robot outfit....very trendy!

Anonymous said...

Ari, you look so good in those glasses. Nice makeover:)

Kristi said...

She is darling in glasses!

Taylor Family said...

The glasses are adorable. She looks so hip.

Jeremy Dopp said...

Love the specs, Ari! They are so cute on you!


Shane and Kenzie said...

My goodness she is so stinkin cute! Love the glasses, so stylish!