Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

It's costume time!  Few things are as exciting as showing up for a routine ballet class and seeing piles and piles of tulle and satin!  There is nothing more delightful than little dancers pouring out of the studio with glee on their faces and a beautiful costume on their arm.  Heaven and Disneyland all in one! 


The homestead said...

I couldn't agree more!

Michelle said...

I think I get more excited than Brittany does! And the lucky girl got a beautiful costume again, she has the very best luck! Looks like X got the coveted pink, somehow I think all ballerinas should be pink. Now I want to see the rest of the girls!

Anonymous said...

She looks so happy in her costume. Em wants to take ballet "just like Xanthe!"