Sunday, June 20, 2010

June Nineteemph

Freestone enjoyed a good, solid 14 hours of birthday fun today.  When I woke him up at 8:00, he whispered, "Is it after six in the morning?"  When I said yes, he said to himself, "Yes!  I'm seven.  I'm seven.  I'm seven!"

The first order of business for our seven-year-old was Toy Story 3 with Aunt Michelle and the boy cousins at 9 A.M.  It was a rare luxury to go to "Jakey's Theater," or in other words, a real movie theater.  Our kids are strictly dollar movie people.  A few months ago, Freestone told me, "Did you know that Jakey's theater has movies that haven't even come out yet?!?"  I said, "Wow!"  I didn't have the heart to explain to him that the rest of the country sees all the movies six months before he does.  But not today, thanks to Aunt Michelle's generosity!

After the movie, Scott took Free and Tolly out on the town, to lunch and Game Stop.  Freestone scored big with Super Mario Galaxy 2, his ultimate dream game.  He had a few minutes to play it at home before all the Dopp cousins arrived for a celebration of June birthdays.  Scott grilled up an array of savory meats, there was cake, there were presents for Free, Collin and Golda, there were 23 cousins trying to slide down Freestone's new slip 'n' slide with no was fun.  And when it was all over, it was back to Mario Bros.

But wait!  There's more!  Coco and Bill delivered a gift, and later, Bill took Freestone to Baskin-Robbins to meet up with the girls for a post-recital/birthday ice cream cone.  By the time we got home, it was 10:30, and Scott decided to give Freestone a big piece of birthday cake, just to be funny.  I'm fairly sure Free was asleep by the time he finished his cake and crawled into bed.  He probably saw all the festivities as interruptions to Mario Galaxy 2, but the rest of us sure had fun!

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