Saturday, June 5, 2010

No Longer a Sevvie

Golda had a great experience in seventh grade.  We got to see her grow right before our eyes, learning the ropes of a new social and academic environment.  It is crazy watching from the sidelines as your offspring transform into real people.  I thought that I'd hate to see her grow older, but it's really exciting and fun.  She is setting the bar high for her younger siblings to follow in her footsteps, academically and spiritually, and Scott and I are proud of her for her drive and spirit and all her accomplishments.  I hate to brag about her, but as Mohammad Ali famously said, "If you do what you say, it ain't bragging."   Golda did a great job of burning the candle at both ends and running with it this school year.  She ended up with a 3.9, which I think is amazing and Golda thinks is slightly disappointing.  I am just really proud of her, and impressed and thankful.

For the end of seventh grade, Golda decided to invite a bunch of friends to walk with her from school to Scott's office, where there's a little hidden garden area.  All the junior high and high school kids roam around town on the last day of school, so the girls wanted to be right where the action was.  A couple of weeks ago, we scoped out the empty, neglected garden area and envisioned it with big pillows, cushions, balloons, paper lanterns, twinkle lights, tables laden with food, fresh flowers everywhere, etc, etc.  For about a thousand dollars, we could have done that.  What we ended up with looked like somebody's mom had bought balloons and made cupcakes.  I wanted it to be more, but the thousand dollar option probably would have come off a bit desperate.  :)  Nevertheless, Scott and I enjoyed setting the stage for the party.  Coco was thoughtful enough to take Little Miss Me-Me-Me (aka Xanthe) for the day so it could be all about Golda.  Once the girls showed up with their yearbooks, Scott and I threw cash at them for ice cream cones and disappeared.  One of the many things I love about living in this town is that you can so easily find a dozen 7th graders who are completely trustworthy.  Then you can feel safe letting them wander around comparing yearbooks with all the other kids.  It was a glorious ending to a great school year!


laurel said...

So cool. Wow. She is lucky to have a mom like you! Congrats Golda. You rock in all the important areas of life.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Golda. She is lucky to have great parents and she is pretty amazing on her own.

Michelle said...

I am so glad it turned out so fun! Golda is amazing and I hope that Brittany has as good a 7th grade experience when it is her turn.

Lexie said...

Thats wonderful. You are no longer a sevvie but I am!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you Golda on completing your first year in Jr. High!..and now an 8th grader!..AWESOME!!....I have heard of all your wonderful accomplishments in seventh grade and I commend you on working so hard, and to get a 3.9!!...What a perfect ending to a great year, a party at the Law Office and it looked so fun on the patio,it looks like you had fun. Awesome parents and congrats to them for their love and support. Keep up the good work and have an great eighth grade!......Love, Great Aunt Tricia XOXOX

Emily said...

So impressed Golda, 3.9! I wish I'd had your drive at that age...! Looks like a fun party too, what a cool Mom you have.