Friday, July 9, 2010

Fashion Forward

Last night I did something I do about once every ten years.  I went on a shopping fit.  Some people call it a shopping spree, but that implies fun.  A shopping fit comes more from a place of desperation than a need for Retail Therapy.  I think the breaking point was when I wore a "Max Hall Hates Me" t-shirt to my nephew's birthday party because it was the only shirt I could find.  Something had to be done. Normally I don't shop because Muzak depresses me, I'm too impatient to try things on and it's an overwhelming task to find a shirt that will solve all my fashion problems.  Nothing would make me happier than if I could wear the same thing every day.

But I faced the Muzak and the dressing room and came home with a dozen new items.  I tossed everything in my closet that was old, ugly, too big or annoying, which was 80% of it, and was left with ample space for my new purchases.  I love the empty space even more than I love the new clothes.  Scott was jealous of my side of the closet being neater than his and went to work gutting his wardrobe as well.  He got rid of everything that wasn't paisley, floral or linen. (Ha ha!)

Tomorrow, it's the garage.  Watch out, all you bikes with flat tires and one training wheel.


Renee said...

This is my favorite thing to do! I love getting rid of stuff! And by the way, I do wear the same outfit every day. It does make life easier. I have 9 pairs of the exact same black sorts and at least a dozen plain white T's. I am sure people think I am wearing the exact same outfit but it really does make my life easier. Also, it really throws people for a loop when I wear one of the handful of different items in my closet. I will never get any awards for fashion though!

Taylor Family said...

I liked the Max Hall hates me shirt. I hope you didn't get rid of it.

laurel said...

Are you kidding me? I have never had such a clean closet. I would love to throw out the stuff I never wear, but when I get ready to, I hear my mother's voice saying, "But it is still in good condition. YOu could get a lot of use out of that." I guess I need to get over the condition factor and look at the ugliness, 80ishness of it, and size. Help me! Can't wait to see your new things. I think you need to model them and post the pictures.

See you soon!!! Can't wait for you!

C and MC said...

This is one of those posts that makes me want to be living your life. But alas, I will continue to find joy in my own overstuffed closet.

Amanda said...

Why can't we wear the same thing everyday? How much easier would life be? I'd never have to think about what to wear, but would just go put on my "uniform." I'm totally a t-shirt and jeans type of girl, and most of the time I'm okay with that. It's being around all the other darling mothers who DO have some fashion sense that makes me feel like I should try harder.

Great job on your closet and your new fashion finds. I'm sure you look fabulous in them!

Jennie said...

I can't wait to see all of your new stuff. Oh, and forget how organized your closet is.... I just want your closet. :) Look at all that space! Trade ya. :)

Anonymous said...

That is an organized closet! What a great feeling to clean out everything and start new.

Jenny said...

Want to move on to my closet? I'll even do the shopping!

Kristi said...

If I had your tiny figure I would be a shopping maniac! ;)

Your closet looks lovely. No need to clutter it up with clothes and shoes. lol!

Seriously though, I too love empty space and the feeling that comes with unloading junk.

Michelle said...

I am proud of you for both cleaning the closet and doing the shopping! Can hardly wait to see you!