Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gimme a Break!

My two-week vacation experiment is fast approaching, and it's been more of a challenge than I thought.  My plan was to block out two weeks of July and not schedule anything during those two weeks.  Not easy.  Right off the bat, I lost half of my July violin lesson and shop income.  I was tempted to just teach a little bit, but I knew the floodgates would open if I wrote those lesson times on my calendar.  It has also been hard to cancel my kids' music lessons.  We have wonderful teachers who depend on the income from lessons.  I'm not thrilled about paying for lessons we won't have, but I can't, in good conscience, not pay when we're taking up a lesson spot.

When I tell people we're on vacation but we're not going anywhere, they're confused. It almost seem socially unacceptable to be "on vacation" if you're going to be in town.  And how far do we go with it?  Golda has responsibilities at Young Women's.  We have church.  There are some social things, like a wedding and a ward party, park days, neighborhood classes.  A friend of mine wanted to do a BBQ.  I didn't know whether to say, "We can't.  We plan to be sitting at home doing nothing that day.  It's a little goal we have."  Then there's housekeeping and meals.  I guess I can't get out of those.  My plan was to not have any practicing to do, but one teacher said, "I'll have to give you plenty to work on during your break."  So what is it in our culture that makes taking a break seem so lazy and inappropriate?  I'm almost ready to give up on the idea of time off because it's so hard to explain.  But I want to stick to my guns just to see what if feels like when that Monday morning rolls around and we have nowhere to be and nothing to do.  I have a feeling I'm going to hate it, but I'm prepared to buckle down and work at it until I perfect the art of doing nothing!  We might be so bored, we'll go on a road trip.  That way, at least there would be an explanation for our laziness!


Kristi said...

What a dilemma you have! Seriously, too funny. I get it though, I do! Doing nothing is harder than it looks. lol. Good luck with your plans, er lack of plans. :)

Anonymous said...

Stick to your idea. It sounds great to me. Tough to shut off everything when you are home...but it sounds like a nice thing to do.

Jennie said...

I bet it is hard to shift from busy to nothing. Can't wait to hear the outcome.

Jennifer said...

I think this is a great idea, and I love this little post. It's almost as if I could picture you with a megaphone canceling lessons and appointments and saying, "We can't. We plan to be sitting at home doing nothing that day. It's a little goal we have."

Wait ... I COULD picture you with a megaphone. :0

(I feel your pain. One of my piano lesson families told me, without any notice, that they wanted to take a break the entire summer and come back in the fall. Income be darned.)

C and MC said...

I am proud of you for sticking it to our over-stressed world and planning to do nothing for 2 weeks. You'll get creative!

Jenny said...

I love it! What a great plan! I think everyone should do this.

Eliza2006 said...

If you need any tips on doing nothing, call me. I was trained on the North Shore of Hawaii while in college...I'm a pro! We are always busy at the beginning of the summer (I plan everything for the month after school gets out) and then nothing. I like to have a good 4-6 weeks to do nothing before school starts. It's probably easier to do with 2 little kids, and not a big crew like you have...keep up the good work!

SSWS said...

we won't bug you! When does it start? Just turn your phone off!!! hope you are great. love, ss

laurel said...

Amen! Love the photo of you in your header! See you soon!

Taylor Family said...

Good luck. I always think it is going to be a great idea to do nothing but when one day is over I can't wait to have something to do. Let me know how it goes. Maybe we will come to your house and do nothing with you.

Michelle said...

I am with Sarah, we will miss you at the park but I think you should give it a whirl!