Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Life's a Trip

Ari said today, "Do you know what I want to do?  I want to go on a drive and see where all the roads go."  She's a girl after my own heart.  I crisscrossed the country numerous times during my college years, becoming very familiar with the whole of I-80 from Utah to Indiana and burning up the pavement between Bloomington and Chicago, New York and D.C.  Summers were spent wandering the byways of Spain, France and Portugal, scoping out places to revisit once I fell in love.  Right after Scott and I were married, all my romantic travel dreams came true when we explored my old favorite places and discovered new ones.  We drove from Utah to Philadelphia, then backpacked from Portugal to Turkey.  My favorite freedom is the ability to take off and see where the roads go.

For now, though, the new roads I'm discovering are right here at home, and I'm perfectly happy with my imaginary journeys.  Today Ptolemy took the scenic route to Oreoville and stayed there for a little nap. We couldn't resist putting his drowsy face on YouTube in case anyone wants to meander over there and see him.

In a few years, my little gypsy girl, Ari, will be taking the car to see what's around the next bend.  It will be thrilling!  But today, I'm glad all of our adventures are within a two thousand square foot radius.  If I get to feeling the old wanderlust, I can jump into the kids' games of pretend or simply look into Ptolemy's eyes.  There is a universe to explore as those big, brown eyes discover the world.


Michelle said...

Beautiful Circ!

Kristi said...

I'm impressed with your travel log. I've been very few places by comparison.... your post stirs something of wanderlust in me, though I am generally a homebody.

Ptolemy melts my heart. He is such a handsome boy, and I love that you are my same age and have this tiny boy. (why that makes me happy, I can't quite say...) I get the feeling life at your house is always a grand adventure.

C and MC said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE Ptolemy asleep with an oreo, now there is a boy after my own heart. That high chair must be pretty comfy. What a cutie.

Queen Elizabeth said...

You backpacked from Portugal to Turkey? Amazing.

P.S. Haven't forgotten about the bribe I promised you... did you include the post w/ your bill? It's been so hot I'm afraid anything I sent you would melt...

Anonymous said...

You did travel the world! But the very best place is home with your family. Tolly looks really happy in Oreoville.

laurel said...

Wonderful! I love your stories and your life experiences. You baby is SO cute!