Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Vacation is...

...Great!  The kids have had lots of time to play with friends, watch TV, play video games, watch movies, go to the pool, lie around like sea lions and essentially do whatever they want.  There is no practicing allowed and no chores to speak of.  The whole point of the break is to accomplish as little as possible.

We may be on vacation, but we managed to learn some new vocabulary today.  I taught Freestone the meaning of "copious amounts," as in, "Let's eat copious amounts of cookie dough."  Even after copious amounts were consumed, Freestone said, "I don't think I've eaten a sufficient amount of cookie dough."  Impressive vocab!  We may never learn the meaning of moderation or restraint when there's cookie dough around, but this batch was THE best cookie dough we've ever made.  Almond extract and kosher salt were the secret ingredients.

All this inactivity finally got to Scott and he fell off the wagon big time!  Friday, while the girls were stocking up on dancewear at Pat's and visiting Nana, he took Freestone on a date to Boondocks for mini golf and games. Then nabbed Ari and Xanthe for an afternoon movie (Ramona and Beezus) and finally rounded out the day by taking Golda and Ruby shopping at the Gateway and dining at Thaiphoon.  I was lounging at the pool with the other kids and kept getting texts that included pictures of the food they were eating.  After all that, Scott and I went out to dinner and Yogo Togo.  A very relaxing day!


Jennie said...

Dude! That cookie dough looks amazing. We may just have to may a huge bowl at the party today!

laurel said...

I can't even begin to tell you how much we LOVE cookie dough here. I know there are those concerns of salmanila from the eggs, but to me, cookie dough is definately worth the risk!!!

Michelle said...

I am so glad the vaca is going so well-and I am sort of glad that Scott fell off the wagon! I really miss seeing you though. Big girl movie next week?