Friday, December 14, 2012

Ari Shines

 On my way out the door to pick up Xanthe from ballet, I said to Scott, "OK!!  When they bring Ari home, have her RUN over to the school!!  Make sure she's in her choir outfit!!  I'll pick up Golda from marching band on my way home!!  Tricia is bringing dinner!!  I'm taking the kids with me to get a flu shot in the band room!!  I'll explain that later!!"

He said, "Why do you always act like it's an emergency?"  Then he proceeded to entertain the whole family by imitating me barking out information and commands.  I guess I do it because when I talk in a normal voice, Scott doesn't remember anything I say.
 "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to take the girls to the church.  I just told you that.  And Ptolemy is in the tub.  SCOTT!  PTOLEMY IS IN THE TUB!!  WATCH HIM!!"
"OK, Ptolemy is in the tub. Do you think I'm stupid or something?...Where are you going?"

Anyway, Scott stayed home helping Ruby convalesce last night while Tricia and I took Ptolemy and Xanthe to the choir concert.  (No, Ari was not wearing her ballroom outfit.  ha ha.  She even took off her black leotard so it didn't show through the white shirt.  Good thinking, Ari!)  The word that best describes the choir concert is delightful.  Cute songs, great kids, folding chairs in an elementary school lunch room.  This is the American dream.  And it was fun to have Aunt Tricia here all the way from Miami, just to hear Ari sing.  We talked about the school and reminisced about the years when my brothers and cousin Sarah and I went to school there.  My grandparents donated the land the school is built on, so my grandfather Bill was exceedingly proud when all four of his grandchildren were at school there at the same time, me in 6th grade and Sarah in kindergarten.  Bill was so proud of us, and proud to see the school built on the site of the old cherry orchards.

I took a rather lengthy video of one of the songs.  I like it though, because it encapsulates so many events we have taken part in, right in this very cafeteria, from the first year the school was built.  I like Xanthe's fabulous smile, Ptolemy's naughty little voice, Tricia doting on Xanthe.  Life is good.  Life is good.


Ernstfamilyfun said...

cute. I feel the same way. Life is good.

michelle said...

How did I not know your grandparents gave that land? Of course it makes sense when I think about it! Love the clip and the post. You are right, this time of year especially makes me realize how sweet life it.

Jennie said...

What a beautiful song. That is one of my favorites. Now, how come I never knew Bill and Golda donated that land? I'm sure you've told us that? But, you are so modest, maybe you didn't. :) Glad Tricia can be in town for the holidays and hope Rubes is feeling better.

Ben and Athena said...

Still laughing about how Scott doesn't listen. I made Ben read this post then asked, "Now do you know why I talk so intense sometimes?" He is exactly the same! It's either a Scott and Ben thing or a man thing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me to attend Ari's performance. It was fun to be with you and at Morgan Elementary where you, Sarah, Traj and Josh attended and now your children. It brought back many memories of you all being there and the many performances we went to, all so fun and with Bill and Golda. It also took me back many years to performances I had been in in grade school when mother was PTA President and in charge of the Christmas program, we used flashlights then and became a Christmas tree!..the flashlights in the last number of Ari's took me back many years. Thank you for an enjoyable event. xo Tricia