Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ooo-Ooo, We're Halfway There...

 Enotseerf wanted to have a half-birthday party this year.  Anytime there is an excuse for a party, no matter how half-baked, I'm there.  Speaking of half-baked, I made a couple of half cakes for this splendid event and we were on our way!  (Different kind of half-baked than the parties I threw in college.)  I'm no Marlene with the cake decorating, but the kids thought the cake was funny.  (Different kind of funny than when I made a demonic tiger cake with cinnamon red-hot eyes and dripping, pooling frosting for my friend's toddler once, and all the kids screamed in fear.)  So I've come a long way with the cake decorating, even if you wouldn't know it from all the crumbs in the frosting.
 The kids started out with a cookie project, because everyone knows that you have to eat your cookies before you eat your cake.  (Different kind of food pyramid.)  They all dipped wafer cookies in melted chocolate.  The sound effect, "Bop!" was mandatory with each dip.

 Then came the Marshmallow War!  Tanner took charge, divided the boys up into two teams and armed them with handfuls of marshmallows.  Battles raged from the clubhouse to the gully, but in the end, there was no clear winner, unless it was Ptolemy, who probably ate the most ammunition.  He was screaming, "We need those to make rice krispy treats," as he gathered up as many puffy bullets as he could. 

 Tyler came up with a half-birthday song, which the rest of us tried to muddle through.  Tyler was disappointed in our efforts, but it was a half birthday.  Did you want us to give it a hundred percent?  That wouldn't make sense.  Each kid only got half a plate, but Freestone tricked me into giving him two so he could make a whole.  Cheater!

 Then we played an ill-advised game where I wrapped up lame stuff like candy and rejected toys.  Each kid got a gift, and I read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.  Every time I said the word "the," everyone had to pass their gift to the right.  It would have worked better if 1. there were no three-year-olds and 2. the gifts were better.  But it was pretty fun.  We're half-way there on this idea.  It just needs tweaking for the next party.

The sun went down on Enotseerf's half birthday and all that was left was a forgotten bag of cookies.  Ari asked me why Freestone got to have a half birthday party.  I said, "Because he came up with the idea."  Look for a half birthday coming up May 4 for Ari.  I have a feeling we're going to have some copycats.  I mean, how can we not go all the way with this half thing?


Amber said...

Very funny posts-- love it!

sws said...

You are such a fun mom! Thanks for inviting the boys, they were telling me all about it. How clever!