Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ding Dong!

Freestone was assigned to bring a dozen cookies to Scouts.  I told him I would make the cookies while he was at school, but he said it wouldn't "count" unless he helped.  So we got up early and made cookies before school.  Chocolate chip cookies that did not contain eggs (because we didn't have any) but were covered in candy cane sprinkles.  Ruby questioned the wisdom of putting red and white candy-cane-shaped sprinkles on chocolate chip cookies, but I told her, "They're for nine-year-old boys."

Well, I was wrong.  When Freestone got home from Scouts, I asked him if the cookies were yummy.  He snarled crossly, "We didn't get to eat them.  We put them on plates and doorbell-ditched old people with them."

Or, as the leaders probably described it, "doing service for our elderly neighbors."  I hope none of the "old people" minded the sprinkles.


Jennifer said...

I love a household that is stocked with chocolate chips and candy cane sprinkles. Who needs eggs? You have your priorities straight!

Catherine said...

LOL! Your kids are a hoot!