Friday, December 7, 2012

Look at This Stuff! Isn't It Neat!?

Can you believe this exquisite quilt?

Here is a link to the fundraiser we are doing today.

There have been so many generous donations, I am hoping enough people will come to bid on the nice things we have available!  If you can come today from 4 to 8 or tomorrow from noon to 4, you will be amazed at the things you can bid on.  I know it's a fundraiser, but honestly, some of these items may very well go for under their value.  You may get a deal and support the family at the same time.

Last night at a dinner Scott and I went to, we had a friend of Scott's donate an hour of limo service, and another friend donated six Cinemark movie tickets.  Ruby has donated six months of classical guitar or violin lessons.  Angela Fife donated a beautiful pencil sketch.  Emily King donated an absolutely gorgeous nativity paper cut.  Check it out here.
At book club last night, people brought plates of baked goods, a big copper lawn ornament, a bike worth a thousand dollars and a giant basket of Trader Joe food!  I donated two music stands from my shop, one red and one lime green.  Every kid who buys one chooses the lime green, so I bet that one will go fast.  Mary King donated a big floral arrangement and some framed art.

And my neighbor just called offering to donate a quilt!  She is a world-class quilter.  Awards and everything.  So I'm excited to see what she brings.  I am going to plan on buying neighbor gifts, teacher gifts and friend gifts today.  Whatever is on your Christmas list, I bet you can find it at this thing.  People and businesses are throwing donations at us.  Come see!