Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday Highlight

 Moday night, Trajan came home from a year abroad and walked straight into a pizza party for the brothers' birthdays.  Tricia had recently arrived from Florida, so we were just missing the Bazails.  I wish they were here!  But at least we had my little crepe-snarfing, scarf-wearing, globe-trotting Trajan to complete the King family. 

 Trajan trying to imitatie the Incredible Shrinking Scott from Thanksgiving.  Or maybe it's just jet lag.
My two favorite brothers

Scheming a trip, I'm sure.

Felshaw and Mary

Jim and Tricia

That was Monday night.  Tuesday night, Tricia and Jim rang the doorbell with armloads of presents for all the good little girls and boys.  I was one of them, and I got some perfect presents.  Tricia is always so thoughtful and generous.  The day of Ruby's surgery, she had just arrived from Miami.  She and Jim brought us lunch, hot and ready to eat, which absolutely saved Ruby and me from starvation after spending seven hours at the hospital.  In fact, Ruby had been sick the day before, so she hadn't eaten anything for two days.  Chicken and mashed potatoes never tasted so good!  As if being a lifesaver once a day weren't enough, Tricia and Jim brought dinner for us, too, that night.  It sure took the stress out of surgery day.

Early Wednesday morning, Jim and Tricia flew out.  They will spend Christmas with Sarah and Roland and our darling little godsons, Alex and Lincoln.  I hope Utah gets so much snow this winter that Sarah and Roland feel compelled to come and ski.  I had big plans to visit them in February, but flights are way out of my price range.  What happened to cheap fares?! 

It won't be too many more Christmases before even the little people I tuck in at night could be spread far and wide.  I've thought about building condos in the back yard and begging them to stay, but life, I'm sure, has different plans for my sweet kids.  And thank heavens.  I just hope life takes them somewhere exciting and warm so Scott and I can visit at Christmas.  Don't move to North Dakota, okay kids?  But if you do, Dad and I will rent a sled and a dog team if we have to, to see you.  For now, let's just enjoy only having to navigate a flight of stairs to be together.  For the rest of you relatives who leave and wander, you are always welcome home.  Don't knock, just come in.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I'm glad Tricia was able to come and visit. I didn't realize she was not staying for the entire holiday. That makes her time her all that more special. How sweet that she brought meals that day. I love that she just jumped in to serve while she was here. So sweet.