Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Araceli Circe

 Araceli's birthday followed close on the heels of Halloween festivities.  I remember being pregnant on Halloween.  My due date was November 11, so I was scheduled to go in on November 4, but I really wanted to have that baby on Halloween!  I had been hotter than Hades all Autumn.  I kept wondering how it could possibly be so darn hot at the end of October!  I secretly (or not so secretly, considering my very vocal complaining) was to walk so much trick-or-treating that I would hasten my labor.  It didn't work.  I did have really sore groin muscles, though!  I could have waited until November 5, so that Ari would be born on my grandmother's birthday as well as Nikki, my sister-in-law, but since the 4th was on the table, there was NO WAY I could wait until the 5th.  No way.  Ari's birth was quick and easy, and when she was born, we were all laughing and crying.  It was a celebration!  The room was awash in what I now know is Ari's spirit, her fundamental core:  joy.  Scott and me, my parents and Trajan were all there, in awe of this tiny, aware person.  Now I wonder who else was in the room, contributing to the feelings of elation and joy that we all felt.  Probably all of Ari's younger siblings, delivering her from the other side of the veil, saying a temporary good-bye.
 For hre birthday, Ari wanted to invite Ellison to the Ranch.  We left Saturday afternoon.  Ari is so enthusiastic and easy to please.  I didn't have a book, so I suggested stopping at the used book store in Bountiful and was met with a resounding, "Yes!!!"  Ruby, Ari, Ellison and I each selected a book.  What a fun birthday activity!  We were right down the hill from Nana Ruby's house, so we stopped in for a little visit.  Nana greeted each of us, until she got to Ellison, and then she said, "Let's see...you're not one of them, are you?"  Nana chuckled.  When I told Nana that Ellison was Sarah Watkins' daughter, she changed her mind about Ellison being "one of them."  :)  We had a nice visit.
 Ari's dream (yes, DREAM; she is very dramatic) was to eat at Zuppa's.  The Park City location had just opened that very day, so we got to be some of the first customers.  Ari and Ellison LOOOOOVED the soup!  It's contagious being surrounded by their gratitude and enthusiasm.  They are so easy to please!  Ellison kept saying, "Thank you!  Thank you so much!"
 The girls were equally enthusiastic about our visit to World Market.  Ellison is a big fan of the Japanese sodas, and Ari si abig fan of this pillow, which we did not buy.  :)  Ruby and I looked around for ideas for Ruby's YW project.

 Finally arriving at the Ranch, Ari and Ellison disappeared into a card game while Ruby and I read our books.  Seriously, can you imagine hosting a better "birthday party?!"

 At some point, Ari pulled out a plate of very old cupcakes.  We put matches in them and sang a very fast renition of Happy Birthday, trying to get to the end before the matches ignited the ancient cupcake wrappers!  This is another thing I love about Ari:  she is prepared, for one thing.  She brought her own cake!  And she is laid-back.  She didn't care that the cupcakes were left over from Halloween, and started out as day-olds in the first place!

 Bless Ellison's little heart, she brought a present which - surprise! - Ari ABSOLUTELY LOVED!!!  These girls are so cute.
 The morning was heavenly;  it was Daylight Savings, so we were able to sleep in with impunity.  Then we woke up to watch a storm blow in as we sipped sea salt hot cocoa in front of the fire.
 We had to be home for church, and Ari's last day in Primary, so we dropped E off at her PC condo and drove home.

 Not to worry, though, there were more celebrations on the horizon!  Coco invited us over for dinner, cheesecake and presents with the rest of the Kings.  And all of this happened before Ari's actual birthday!  I was afraid the day would be anticlimactic!
 Not so.  The morning of November 4th, Golda made Ari French toast before she left for school.  After school, Ari got to practice and then go to ballet.  She always practices without too much complaining, except when she vows, "I am quitting cello forever!", but she thought she should be exempt from practicing on her birthday.  I disagreed because in my mind, the best gift I can give my kids is the feeling of accomplishment.  She she practiced and was happy, but she was even happier when Grandma and Grandpa rang the doorbell with a gift!  Thank you!
She was also happy to go to ballet, where all of her friends were waiting.  Scott picked her up from ballet and took her to their traditional dinner at Pepperbelly's, complete with free fried ice cream.  Meanwhile, I was getting bubble tea during Ruby's guitar lesson in honor of Ari's birthday.  Because the second-best gift I can give my kids is to enjoy a treat myself "in their honor."  Just kidding.
 The Pepperbelly's dinner worked out perfectly so that Scott could drop Ari back off in the alley for her jazz class.  Another fun hour of friendship, hard work and creativity.  My violin lessons ended right in time for me to catch the last few minutes of Ari's jazz class.  It was fun to see her dance, especially on her birthday.  I stood there and relfected on how quickly my little toddler pixie became this "older dancer."  It's sad.  I know it's good, but it's sad.  Ari and I were going to get a treat, but she was too stuffed from the fried ice cream.  Instead, we went to Bowman's and chose some exciting things for school lunch.  It was a good birthday.

Thursday, Ari gets to go to the temple with the Young Women.  How did this happen?  I started out with a baby and I ended up with a friend.  A fun, joyful, exciting, beautiful, talented friend.  I love you, Araceli!

 Oh, and to top off Ari's birthday, I made her go into the Kaysville Theater and get us some popcorn with extra butter while we were waiting for Golda and Ruby.  Then I made her go back in to put more salt on it.  In a perfect testament to how generous and sweet Ari is, she thought this was fun!  And it was, because Ari was there.


Ernstfamilyfun said...

How fun! I love how you said, "I started out with a baby and ended up with a friend!" I love it!

Anonymous said...

What a fun birthday for Ari! Loved reading about it, the pictures were great, especially loved the ones taken in Park City, you should have one of your little artists paint the one with the "Ranch" condo buildings and the clouds or the gray of Park City. Happy Birthday again Ari, sounds like a pefect way to start off a birthday. Beautiful pics of you, Ari. xo Trici

laurel said...

Fun, fun birthday! Ari sure is getting more beautiful as she gets older.

Shane and Kenzie said...

I had an intense craving for that extra buttery Kaysville theater popcorn as I finished teaching tonight...one of these days I'm going to be cool like you and actually buy some!
What 12 year old looks as beautiful as Ari does? I am quite certain that I still had a mouthful of braces and was trying to handle too many accessories all at once: earrings, bracelets, necklaces, headbands, glasses, etc. Ari is always so composed, so sure of herself. I hope that when I have a daughter, that she can be as self aware and beautiful as Ari is. So glad I was able to be with her on her birthday!