Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Young Women in Excellence

 It's been exciting to have Ari turn 12 because now we have three girls in the Young Women program.  I'm not sure how their leaders feel about having so many of them. but there is now a Dopp girl in each group:  Laurels, Mia Maids and Beehives.  There is no escaping the Dopp girls or their pesky mom!

The special evening we had to celebrate the girls' achievements and goals had a theme, "There's Noplace Like My Heavenly Home," so the girls centered it around The Wizard of Oz.  Ruby and her friend Rachel were in charge of the decorating and refreshments, etc.  I love how the YW program is turning the reins over to the girls.  These are skills they need and they are lucky to have the opportunity to develop them early.  Ruby and Rachel created a delightful venue, full of fun touches.

 Each girl made a little display with the question in mind, "How has a pair of shoes helped you to stand in holy places?"  A number of the girls displayed their pointe shoes, and Golda gave a talk that eloquently put into words what the girls meant by saying that their dance shoes helped them stand in holy places.  I'll have to reprint her talk here.  It was absolutely beautiful.   This above is Ruby's display, explaining about her shoes and displaying her shoes from Nutcracker last year.  I am proud of her for working so doggedly since she didn't make Nutcracker this year.  The defeat lit a fire of determination in her, and I am proud to see that, as opposed to bitterness or blame.

 Such a fun theme!

 You can see Golda's display on the left, with some dance pictures and her pointe shoes.  Really, you have to read her talk.
 Ari displayed her new slippers that Grandma and Grandpa gave her and talked about how her home is a holy place.  She also set out one of Tiffany's love boxes with a home on it and a book called, "Finally 12," which Scott gave her for her birthday.  The clarinet in the background belongs to someone else. :)

I love that Ari chose her slippers, especially since we had just spent a day with the Dopps and Hills at Marlin and Ann's missionary farewell and the party afterward, followed by a Dopp November birthday party at our house.  Family is where Ari's center is, for sure.
 Some of the displays.  That picture of Golda and Ruby kills me!
Three new, darling Beehives.  We are so lucky to have so many sharp, kind, wonderful girls in our neighborhood.  It is impossible to measure the positive effect these girls have on each other.  We live in a great place!  Even if Scott and I were total deadbeats, our kids could potentially turn out great just on the strength of their friends, neighbors and leaders.  In fact...are we total deadbeats?  I guess we'll never know, but thanks to everyone around us for supporting our efforts and doing it with style!


Jennie said...

What a great theme. Those treats were perfect. You are right, that pic of G and R is precious. It goes by so fast. Do post G's talk. We would love to read it. We are so proud of all of the girls. Ari is going to be an amazing Beehive. Her energy and zest will be contagious.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful, special evening, Ruby worked so hard on it and it looks like it turned out to be so special. How fun to have Golda, Ruby and Ari and you in Young Women's at the same time. You will enjoy it so much! I remember my time in Young Women's (actually was in with Marlene) and it was so fun. Enjoy every minute all of you. Looking for Golda's talk. xo Tricia