Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

 Tables were set the night before in anticipation of Thanksgiving.  I said on Insta, "Tables are set and now we're just waiting for Thanksgiving guests.  That coven of celli in the corner doesn't count.  At some point, someone is going to have to ask them to leave."  As it turned out, the "celli" celebrated with us.  They didn't want to leave their hospital beds, so we let them stay, along with all the sick violins you can't see in the picture.

We were lucky enough to procure Nana and Uncle Jim's family to join us as for the feast.  I was so excited!  More is better, for sure.  It was a beautiful day.  Gorgeous weather, relaxing setting, the best company and what my dad said was perfect food.  I would have to agree there.  I was so grateful to be home, surrounded by family, and also to have the Dopp Thanksgiving meal still to look forward to.  Today was just the start of a great weekend!
I think I may have bought too much butter.  I was afraid we would run out.  This was what was left over after all the cooking.
 Ptolemy just made himself comfy with the teens.

 DeBry girls
DeBrys doing what DeBrys do best: admiring one of their children.  In this case, Prince Ptolemy

 The whole King family, Uncle Jim included, used to wear tuxes and fancy dresses to Thanksgiving at my parents' house.  This time, Dad was the only one who carried on the tradition.  The rest of us aren't quite as classy as Felshaw!
 Our oven doesn't broil.

 See that knife in Dad's hand?  He - probably unintentionally, though we don't know - cut Scott's thumb with it as Scott held the platter.  It was a minor cut, but you wouldn't know it by the way Scott yelped!
 They always talk business.  Aunt Da is in Thailand right now, tied up on business.  DeBry Company's new big sellers are beaded purses, it sounds like, and Da is training some new employees.  We missed her!
 I wish this picture was less blurry!  Nana in all her glory.
 Kids' table with the cutest little kids!

 Mike and Jim.  We're so glad Mike got the day off at Fidelity to join us.  Everything is more fun when Mike's there.  He even tried to give us a cat.  "This cat is attacking my roommate's pit bull" wasn't a good selling point, however. ;)

 Emily and Ro
 I love this picture.
 The poor thumb

 King women

 Mom was showing off her nifty boots because she was embarrassed by her love of holiday-themed sweaters.  She's always a knock-out!  Coco's sense of style has been legendary for decades.
 Free, Traj, Mike, Danny
 Golda, Ruby, Jessie
 Isn't this what it's all about?

 Kids always find something to entertain themselves.  In this case, it was two hours' worth of costume changes.  Either that, or you're all starting to see our kids the way we see them: as angels, of course!


sws said...

What a fun day! I'm thankful for the King/Debry clan.

michelle said...

It looks perfect!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

How fun! I love the sea shells on the table!!

Anonymous said...

Traditions, are they not the best! Green bean casserole, orange jello and tuxes! and you can never have too much butter or whipped cream! So many blessings, we are truly blessed in Utah and in Miami, and so thankful for all, especially those pictured here and at the Bazail table. Thank you for the great post and all the pictures, made us feel like we were all together, we were in spirit any way. The traditions live on! Thank goodness. All of you look great, and your mom and dad very dapper! May the traditions carry on with our children, Alex reminded me I had to do my orange jello! Love you, sorry so long! xoxo Tricia

Jacy said...

aaaahhhhh!!! I love butter too ... most likely more than you, I use melted butter as my 'gravy' on my taters ... and props to the tux ... very dashing and a wonderful tradition!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Shane and Kenzie said...

1. Love your dress.
2. Love your mom's boots.
3. I love butter.

Jennifer said...

In my head I will be saying your line every time I read "The Night Before Christmas' this year. Behold: "He had a broad face and a little round belly,That shook when he laughed, Like a coven of celli."

If you scroll down this post really fast, your dashing dad is animated!