Friday, November 1, 2013


Xanthe was a "Recital 2012 Country Girl." :)  Isn't she beautiful!?

I had started to make this elaborate costume to match Freestone's vision when I found an existing costume and sewed a Kindle pocket for it out of a basketball jersey so you could see the screen through the fabric.
Spooky root beer!
Next-door neighbor Gage was our first guest.  I encouraged him and my kids to eat as many donuts and cupcakes as possible before the other kids got there.  They did a terrible job!  There were still plenty of goodies left over, not only when the party started, but at he end, too!
Golda caught red-handed stealing Tziporah's donut before leaving to party with her friends.
Who is that scary guy!?  It's Grandpa!
And here is the rest of Freestone's Minecraft costume:  the head, procured by Coco at the 11th hour.
It was Egyptian Day, so many of the Sixth graders came as Cleopatra's compatriots.
The triplets won the prize for the most creative costumes!
When Golda got Tziporah ready for the party, she must have forgotten about the lion costume.  She put her in a dance outfit.  Nobody remembered that she was supposed to be a lion until that night at bedtime!

Jersey front and center, with her Taylor cousins.  We are so glad Clint's family has adopted our party!  They won two costume prizes, too!

I wish I had video of Mike Scheuller longboarding up to the party.  I daresay it was even a more suave arrival than if he had driven up in the Tesla!
Jennie and Jen and their assortment of creatures.  Collin won for Scariest.  He IS scary!
Baby Cole and his zookeepers.  Genius costume!  All you need are khaki clothes and a laminator for the badges.  I am bestowing on you the Family Prize, Stratfords, even though we didn't have one. :)

This is the family responsible for making the super-duper prize ribbons.  I knew they would take the project and run with it, and boy did they ever!  The grand prize, the Golden Pumpkin, will be a highly coveted prize next year!

Another cool family!  Marianne, I think you should go red semi-permanently!

Emily and Rolayne came over after completing their balloon duties at "Ghost Gully."  The balloons add so much to the party!  Thanks, Emily and Coco!  Coco never made it over; greeting the kids at her house in her costume zapped all her energy.

The Golden Pumpkin Award for best costume!  I was thrilled to have Brittany and Michelle choose the winners.  It was hard!
Emily came up with the brilliant idea of having a costume parade.  Next year, we'll make it longer.  It was darling!
Jean Taylor is adorable!

Michelle with control of the megaphone and William holding aloft the Golden Pumpkin.  I'm trying, but I can't remember who won it!!
Scott was tied up in court, so William and Trajan took over candy throwing duty.  Several kids were bawling after being pelted with candy, but it didn't stop them from trying to catch it.

Winifred and the beautiful children.  They live in my grandparents' old house, and I am so glad!
Jim brought the dry ice and took care of the root beer.  Tricia stayed out of the crowd inside, with her hurt foot.  They both contributed time and supplies, so thank you!
Scott came right as the party was ending.  I was so sad!  And then, in the one picture I got of him, I cut off his head.  But the rest of him looks dashing!

I want to use one of these for our Christmas card picture, but Freestone's head is all pixillated.  I like this one, where Scot looks like he has a halo.

Right after the party, Ari had a cello lesson. (I know!)  Then we grabbed some good old David's Pizza and set out to meet Josh and Emily to trick-or-treat our usual street in the usual fashion.  We used to do more streets, but we can't run with the big dogs anymore, with such a huge crowd, so we have it narrowed down to just Windsor Road.  We still get to see many, but not all, of our favorite neighbors and friends.  Nonetheless, it's fun to visit with everyone.  Come to think of it, it's probably the visiting that takes so long, but that's the important part.  If you're just in it for the candy, well, there are easier ways to get candy than going door to door for it!
Every year, we magically end up in Coco and Bill's kitchen, laughing Halloween night away and into the record books.
This year, the men returned later to give Bill a blessing for his ankle surgery the next day.  I couldn't help but peek during the prayer and emblazon into my memory Scott and my two brothers blessing my dad.  One of life's beautiful moments.


Michelle said...

Love this post! Made me laugh and then brought tears to my eyes. There is nothing more attractive then men using their priesthood. We are so grateful to have this tradition back! As I have said, it is the one big Halloween tradition our whole family participates in. It really was a horrifying task to try and choose those awards! I didn't even see the adorable zookeepers, I love that idea! Best Halloween ever!

Taylor Family said...

Worst day ever to be sick. So sad I missed it. At least I got some pain killer to make it a little better.

Jennie said...

Thanks for such a great party. The kids always have a great time. I'm glad everything went well with Felshaw's surgery.

Anonymous said...

It was a great party and even if I stayed inside I got to peek out the windows to see all the fun costumes, and the the fun being had by all. Walked out on porch to view the candy toss which was great so with one big swoop I saw everyone even your mom sitting in the background. A fun, fun party to participate in, so glad I was there, the homemade root beer brings back memories! Thanks for this tradition. So much fun for all. Thank you for your efforts and Coco and Emily.Costumes were great. Glad I was there one more day to enjoy! xo Tricia