Friday, January 20, 2017

Good, Better, Best

Freestone unilaterally built two home release periods into his schedule for this new semester.  On the first day of the term, he called me at 1:00 and said it was illegal for him to be at school, and to come get him.  Surprise! Ha ha. I'm happy he took this initiative and thrilled about having him home from school earlier.  He has been with me to see Nana a couple of times, and spend a few hours at Scott's office doing homework. 

The homework getting done early in the day is an incredible relief.  Sometimes he is at ballet from 3:45 to 9:30, so there's not a whole lot of time, nor a whole lot of motivation for homework.  This is the perfect schedule.  In the next few weeks, he might need it for napping.  He was asked to be in Ballet West's Sleeping Beauty, so the "footman in Act III" may need to catch up on some sleep.

Have I mentioned how fun Freestone is to raise?  As you can see, it's not that hard. :)

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