Thursday, April 17, 2008

April Showers

Yep, that's Araceli doing the limbo in our kitchen. Sometimes all you need to entertain kids is a yardstick. Other times, nothing short of Barnum and Bailey will do the trick. I do feel like we're in limbo between winter and spring. I almost got out the Christmas china the other day. I thought about inviting all of you to Christmas dinner, just to entertain myself until the snow stopped. Instead, I told the kids we were having a "Read-a-thon!!!" It was one of those "yardstick/limbo" ideas. The littles were kept busy all night gathering books and blankets and treats. We never read one page, but Ari and Free snuggled up in their tupperware bins (pretending to be babies in cribs) and leafed through a whole stack of tomes. (If a Dr. Seuss book can be called a "tome.") Meanwhile, I looked out the window and thought about moisture. Am I a bad Mormon if I'm not "thankful for the moisture I have received this week?" (Can't people just say RAIN?) Before you answer, let me just tell you that most of the moisture has been a direct result of Golda and Ruby having the stomach flu and Xanthe getting potty trained. Not to mention the very unwelcome snow. The snow we've had lately is like a guest who shows up two hours late. The party's over, snow! Winter was last month. Go home! We're trying to wear flip-flops here! Can't you see we're at the PARK?!
Before you think I'm ranting, I have to tell you that, through the haze of all the moisture, I have experienced more than my share of bright moments. The best had to be Ruby, practically comatose for several days, playing her guitar in bed so that she could reach her 80-days-in-a-row goal. (It's a Suzuki thing.) I think she's on day 60, and after taking the guitar to California, she wasn't about to let the flu break her streak. She's about as tenacious as a Utah winter, but all she brings is sunshine and light. Thanks, Ruby! P.S. Ruby made me remove the picture!


Queen Elizabeth said...

I totally agree with you on the whole "moisture" deal. Enough is enough and it's time to be OUTSIDE!!! (Not to rub it in but I'll try and send you some of our gorgeous weather. Trust me, it's usually the other way around and my mom is VERY good at articulating that to me ;)
Hang in there!

Jennie said...

Oh my gosh, Ruby looks absolutly miserable! I feel so bad for her and G. Stomach bugs are the worst. Ditto on the "moisture". We are ready for spring to arrive and actually stay!

SSWS said...

Amen, Sister.....I love "Rain" comment. I'll never be able to hear that phrase again without thinking of you. hee hee. Go, 80 days of practicing is a lot!!

Anonymous said...

I loved your snow binge! I was so depressed this week when it snowed I came home and ate three brownies in about a tenth of a second..then looked at the snow some more and decided all sorts of horrible things about it and myself. Much, much better today when the sun is out! Your read-a-thon looked so fun. What a way to take away the winter and the moisture blues. Yuck to the flu. Hope Golda and Ruby are better now. Good luck with Xanthe's potty training and thanks for the advice about the bottle. I needed some reassurance that I am not the ONLY mom in the world with a two-year-old still taking a bottle at night. Thanks for the books. It may take awhile to get them back to you as I am still reading down your blog list of books and they need to go back to the library. I am always looking for good:) books so I really like a new venue!

The homestead said...

circe I'd love to have you link my page to yours hope you have a wonderful, sunny weekend. I love reading your blog. Laura

Michelle said...

Okay, I clicked on that picture of Ruby to enlarge it and that kid is suffering! Truly, not faking it, suffering! Make her some cookies or something once she feels better, the kid earned it! I love the way you guys find the best ways to entertain kids at your house. That is how my sister and I were too. The best is the "cribs". I will try and send you some spring!

love.boxes said...

The "moisture" thing is one of those things that makes me feel like an alien. It grates on my nerves. Moist is the toilet seat at the gas station where you MUST stop on a road trip. Moist is armpits after a good tennis game. Moisture is not what comes out of the sky.. We hope! Although, my coat was moist after the Davis Cup band competition (goose poo).. it's NOT a good thing. We have rain and snow people.. Plus, I'm not sure if I'm grateful for snow when it gets so late it threatens the fruit crops.. sometimes I think we just get in the habit of praying for stuff and God's up there saying, "Really, are you sure?? OK!" Is that rant enough? ;) (I come from a 5 star rant family!)

Erin said...

Circe... that was hilarious. I myself HATE the word "moisture"!

Jenny said...

Next time you have a readathon where you don't read give us a call. That sounds like our kind of activity!

Looking at that picture of Ruby reminds me of trying to nurse the babe after surgery! She looks so miserable. I am glad she is so determined!

Michelle said...

Thanks for the spagetti tip, we'll be doing it! So funny about the granola bars, it is my effort to recycle! Glad you liked them!(The dolls I mean!)