Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday News Roundup

In Dopp news today...
Xanthe got up, got dressed, put on her backpack and filled up the show-and-tell bag. She was ready to go to Teacher Jen's class by 8 AM. Teacher Jen's class is next Tuesday.

Ruby finished her science project just prior to having a meltdown and refusing to go to school. Golda picked up the role of perfect child and got herself out the door right on time. She reminded me that today is the day I pay up and bring her a jamba juice to school for lunch, since she has practiced for two weeks without complaining. That was worth four dollars and a trip to Jamba Juice!
Xanthe couldn't take the wait anymore and decided to kick and scream. Only 96 more hours until we go to Teacher Jen's class! Can you see why I signed her up for more school? Today's school is only four hours away!
Ari got her posters and scrapbooks together for her Family Fair today. Scott and I get to go to Ari's class and talk about family traditions. We chose to talk about our beach trips, since we have lots of visual aids. Meanwhile, Freestone sobbed uncontrollably when he realized Scott had left. I thought he missed Daddy, but it turned out he needed Daddy to start his Power Ranger show. Why doese think I can't run the DVR? Does he already know I'm electronically challenged?
Does anybody know of a boarding school for three-year-olds? I couldn't find any info on that, so I made an SOS call to my friend Audrey, saying "How soon can Eli get here to play?"
Her reply was, "Eli just spilled pink milk all over his sister. I'll be right over." A friend and some cans of Play-Doh have saved Xanthe from being shipped to boarding school in Rhode Island. She might be disappointed if she knew that option had been on the table!

Kidding, of course. :) Add firefighter to the list of mom duties, because I put out some ragers this morning!


The homestead said...

Why are so many days like this? Good thing you recorded it so you can look back in 10 years and laugh.

Lisa and Tate said...

You just make me laugh they way you can see fun in "fires". Only hope I can be 1/6th the mom you are with Tate.

Hoping to make it on Monday...

Jennie said...

I know this is terrible, but I'm glad to see that my kids aren't the only ones who melt down. :) Maybe we're normal than I thought. :) I hope the rest of the day improves!

Taylor Family said...

I would love to have Xanthe come and play I will even pretend to have preschool. Unfortunatly I have been cleaning up throw up all day. But really next week I would love to have a play day with her. Call me any day.

Anonymous said...

Pretty funny stuff! I love Friday News Roundup with NPR but I love your version more! Hey, I was ready to sell Em to the gypsies a few days ago. Lucky for her and me she turned a corner yesterday and became an angel.

Michelle said...

I love that you took pictures of the meltdown! Someday she is going to love that-or maybe not. But still, it made us all feel better. I am glad she was saved from boarding school. We would miss her!

Erin said...

Libby id on my lap. When she saw Xanthe, she said, "Is that me?" Ha ha! She wants you to tell Xanhe that she "has a dog named Tucker". We'll see you on Monday!!!

Jennifer said...

We're beyond selling our kids to the gypsies. We're willing to pay THEM.