Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tales of a Fourth Grade Meanie

Remember fourth grade? For me, that year was characterized by Village Lip Gloss and all the drama that surrounded getting it, flaunting it and carefully maintaining a collection of it in my school box. Every once in a while, I managed to save up enough money from the couch cushions to buy another tiny tin of the coveted Village lip gloss to show my friends at school. It cost a dollar. Two-fifty for the double tins tht had two coordinating flavors. I can still smell some of those delicious flavors. Watrmelon and ice! Chocolate and mint! Peaches and Cream! Even if I had enough quaters and dimes to buy a lip gloss, it was another thing to find a ride to the mall with an adult who would patiently stand at the Village lip gloss display while I ran my fingers over every luscious flavor. My parents definitely didn't get it. Brooke's parents got it, and she had EVERY flavor. Sarah had the same problems finding a ride to the mall as I did, plus her little brother thought lip gloss was yummy. Needless to say, we were very jealous of Brooke's complete collection. Jealous enough to steal Brooke's school box, take it into the bathroom and put soap in some of the lip gloss tins. I think that was the meanest thing I've ever done. Our friendship with Brooke survives to this day, but we sure got in trouble over that stunt. Brooke has the last laugh: Village lip gloss tins go for a hundred dollars on ebay, and she till has her whole collection!

The reason the lip gloss story came up is that Golda and Ruby wanted to know the whole infamous saga. I hope my girls never do anything to hurt a friend like I did, but it would be pretty incredible odds to escape girlhood without making a few mistakes. I just hope their kids can learn from their mistakes. Or at least laugh at them.


Taylor Family said...

I love that story. I was also surprised that you did something like that I thought you did make it through life without being mean. You are always so kind to everyone.

Jennie said...

I totally remember those. They did taste yummy. I didn't eat the tin, I am simply a lip licker (my own of course). :) I still go through amazing amounts of "lip stuff" to this day.

I wonder if our kids will have such nostalgia over HSM paraphernalia.

Anonymous said...

It's good to read about your shady past....We all have them, probably a lot more than you! You are one of the most compassionate people I know. Nice to know you are still good friends with Brooke.

Lisa and Tate said...

SHOCK!!! You did that??? Now I am racking my brain for something I did in 4th grade....

What a fun memory you shared.

Michelle said...

It was Kim that had all the flavors in our neighborhood. I was jealous too, I love that you and Sarah were imperfect in fourth grade! Amazing what the immature female mind can think of isn't it? Luckily everyone is right, you grew up really nice!

SSWS said...

I could almost smell those pictures! Great photos.....and what memories.....reading that still causes me to feel a little guilty and a little triumphant. I guess I haven't really come to full terms with that infamous day. The jealous streak just caught hold.......glad we all survived it, and are still friends. In fact, I think it was what really solidified the friendship!

Jenny said...

Oh how I loved those tins too! In fact I found one when I was going through some stuff, half used up gloss still inside and for some reason I couldn't push myself to get rid of it. (good thing since it may be worth some bucks!) Isn't that what our childhood was made of? The girls have found the little tin several times and each time I have to tell them all about how cool they are! Now I can tell them about how cruel you were! ;)