Scott discovered the new look and was pretty dismayed. My reaction was about what you would expect when your fifth kid cuts her hair: "Huh. So she's in the hair cutting stage. OK." (Stifle a giggle. She does look pretty ridiculous.) If you have to ask why on earth Xanthe had access to scissors during her nap, you don't have kids. Or maybe you have kids but you don't own any scissors. Or maybe you're insanely controlling. In that case, we can't be friends. If we were friends, my kid could potentially cut your kid's hair someday and then we REALLY wouldn't be friends. So let's preempt that now, as well as the scenario where you come to get your kid at my house and he's wearing a tutu and mismatched moon boots and the scenario where my kid comes to your house and squirts dish soap all over the carpet. See? We can't be friends, even if you hide your scissors. Let's not even try.
I guess Xanthe's hair will grow, just like Ari's did when she hacked off her bangs. I cut my own hair when I was about ten. Hey, I was a late bloomer. I think I was watching an Olivia Newton-John exercize video and I needed bangs to curl over the braided, terrycloth headband I was wearing on my forehead. So I cut some bangs. That would have been harmless, but I started thinking my mom would be mad. I panicked and pulled the bangs out completely. I can't believe I honestly thought the hair wouldn't grow back. I was absolutely mortified when stubble started growing along my forehead. The whole agonizing time the stubble was growing out, my mom never noticed.
If you see Xanthe, you'll notice. She looks...adorable.
Good point about the "why did you LET her have the scissors?" I mean, come on. They FIND them. I'm sorry she cut her hair. You have a much better attitude. I would have been the one who ended up bald from the screaming and pulling my hair out.
I must admit... this gives me pause. his week, Libby has colored all over my counters with a Sharpie, stamped with rubber stamps all over her body, broken off the keys on my laptop, and much more. I am pretty sure that hair cutting is next. I am going to start crying for sure. Xanthe really does look cute though. Her sheepish little smile just shines.
we can definitely be friends.....I have a vivid memory of cutting my hair at age 3. I even remember you pulling out your hair....I can't wait to see X!
I'm sorry, but this was one of the best posts I have read. I had to read it to my mom! We were laughing together.
Yes, we could be friends. Eliza has found the scissors here too a few months ago. I think the new style suits Xanthe quite well!
Thanks for your offer on my blog. I'll keep you posted as the "situation" develops (no pun intended)!
So glad someone else share's my attitude. It's just hair and hair grows.
Thing 3 did this when she thought her bangs were too long, and not only scalped herself, but the neighbors kid too. THEN she did a repeat a couple of weeks later and cut her LONG hair up above her chin. (she is drawn to scissors like ants to a picnic!)
What a funny post. We can't wait to see X's new look!
I love a good hair cutting story, my Mom used to twist our bangs and cut them. For some reason she thought
that was a full proof way to make a straight line. So need less to say we looked like we cut our own hair anyway!
Um, yeah I am not so sure I want my kids to be friends with yours especially after the dish soap comment. Somehow we have managed to escape the hair cuts at our far that is!
Would you believe Matthew was my only hair cutter so far? The jury is still out on Josh. Am I warped that I love that she carefully cut off even the rubber band and carefully put it in the garbage! You know we can be friends! There is very little tha tis not fixable in my book!
c did that the morning I had paid a pricey photog to take her picture at temple square. I don't love those pictures as much as I should... yet.
by the way... we are friends until you attend my funeral or I attend yours... and beyond.
Hey wasn't there a post here about the mother I wasn't going to be? Does that mean we are all perfect now?!
Amen to that! You really don't have kids or at least normal ones if you don't understand that kids will be kids and will find and distroy pretty much everything.
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