Friday, February 27, 2009

This Little Piggy goes Weet Weet Weet!

This little piggy is of the guinea variety. You can tell he's having fun when he says, "Weet Weet Weet," and he was really in hog heaven today, being passed around by 5 kids, eating apples and taking a bath. His favorite part was when we blow-dried his hair. Max has never been so fluffy in his life!
I have a love-hate relationship with this guinea pig. I love how he chirps and loves to be petted and makes the kids laugh. I hate how he won't die. He just might be the oldest guinea pig in captivity...I should check with Guinness on that. Every few weeks I make plans to give Max away. Then the kids get him out and baby him and I decide to let him stay. Xanthe said today, "Max is a cute baby." He is. But my opinion is that nice household pets should kick the bucket no more than 6 months into it. Max's "wife" died ages ago. She knew enough not to wear out her welcome. I honestly don't know why Max is so healthy. He has eaten buckets full of Halloween candy, cheese and paper plates. It must be all the veggies he consumes that keep him so fit. I'll have to make a note to give him more "fruit" snacks, Cheetos and maybe some Dubble Bubble. I might put him outside to get some fresh air. I could introduce him to our cats. Most likely, I won't let Max come to any harm. Max is adorable with his handsome cowlick on his forehead and his happy little voice. His youthful, healthy, robust little voice. I should be happy he's hanging in there long enough to give the kids some good memories, because there will be no successor to Max's throne. Live it up, kids!


Michelle said...

I am having such a good laugh and I needed one! You know you had to end it that way because your kids read this blog!

Jennie said...

he won't die.... again, laughing out loud. My kids would echo the sentiment to let him stay. I always enjoy hearing their tales of Max, Freestone, and Jake. Plus... my kids don't have pets so we have to let them live out their pet experiences through your house. :)

Circe said...

Jennie, I'm laughing so hard that you put "Max, Freestone and Jake" in the same category. Max is much more tame than the other two! :)

Anonymous said...

Cute little Max! I'm so glad your kids love him and he is at YOUR house!

love.boxes said...

Another great piece Circ... you really should wrie for the Times!