Monday, February 2, 2009

Live and Learn

Freestone had his SEP conference today, where he and I met with his kindergarten teacher for a little heart-to-heart. First, his teacher asked him what his very favorite thing about school is. He said Centers, which is basically play time. Then she said, "What is the one thing you like the very least about school? Tell me what you don't like and maybe I can change it."

"The learning."

Freestone's teacher did not promise to eliminate all that bothersome learning from the classroom, but if she insists on teaching them stuff, Freestone should do OK. He got a great report card with all 4's except Home Reading. The 3 in Home Reading is probably due to the fact that Freestone's backpack disappeared for two weeks, during which time I searched everywhere within a three-mile radius of our house. It surfaced in the trunk of my brother's car. Did I tell you Freestone likes to hide things?

Now, Free is outside with Jakey and Ari, playing in the gully where there is no "learning" to be done and nobody to grade you on what you're accomplishing. That's a good feeling when you're five.


Anonymous said...

Out of the mouths of babes! "The learning" is the most complicated piece of this life. Glad Freestone is ok with kindergarted despite the learning. What a great thing for a kid to have a gully to play in and friends to play with!

Michelle said...

YOu know, that is not such a bad feeling when you are 37 either!

Taylor Family said...

I have been looking at all of your friends blogs that have adopted. It is making me so excited I feel like I am a little kid waiting for Christmas. We are having our home study next Tuesday.

SSWS said...

the learning is hard for me too, in fact I have to do it over and over again...same lessons.