Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Scott was "sick" and stayed home from work Friday.  He didn't go to Wrigley Field or take a Ferrari on a joyride, but he and his little sidekick, Ptolemy, had quite a day.  At 9:00 when I had taught violin, put the week's homework in the proper folders, packed lunches, gotten the kids to school, practiced with Xanthe, taken Prestie for a walk, put in a load of wash and cleaned up the kitchen, Scott was still languishing on the couch in his hoodie.  Hmm.  I was the smallest bit perturbed by my energy flow being muddied by this overgrown couch potato and his "sore throat."  He claimed that his throat was so sore that he "almost went to the emergency room in the night."  I'm not judging, but let me ask you a question:  Have you ever known a woman who went to the ER for a sore throat?

I may have been dismayed at 9:00, but by eleven, I had figured out what was lacking in my life.  What I need is someone who can hang out with Ptolemy, clean the house, fold laundry and keep the TV warm while I do my thing.  At the very least, I need someone who is willing to stay home during Ptolemy's nap!  Do you realize how much I can get done without my little Coke fiend in the backseat?!  AND Scott ordered all the cousins' Christmas presents online.  It was like there were two of me!  I don't know if I can do it all by myself if Scott decides to go back to work, now that I know what fun it is to have him home.  Up until now, Scott has taken sick days under his desk at the office because if he stays home, I say something that starts with, "Oh good, you're here!  Can you just..."  A couple of hours later, he's wondering why he didn't take a blanket and some Nyquil and go to work, where he could have gotten some rest.

Do you remember how nice it was when you were a kid and you came home and your mom was there, baking bread or something?  Then there were days when the house felt cold after school, and your mom was out running errands or at a meeting or rescuing one of the Young Women she was in charge of from a bad decision.  It was such a warm feeling to come home to a house with people in it.  All day Friday, I had that warm feeling, knowing that each time I walked in the front door, a candle would be burning and Ferris and Cameron - I mean Scott and Ptolemy - would be happily playing in a nice, clean room.

The best part about Scott's day was the text I got that night.  I had dropped Golda and her friends off at Temple Square while Scott put the kids to bed.  Sitting in my cozy, warm car waiting for the girls (totally the way to do Temple Square!), I got Scott's text:  "You are pretty amazing to do what you do every day."  Aaawww!  Compliments like that are like a drug for a stay-at-home mom.  Validation!  I read it several times.  I'm not amazing, but I would be if I had Scott home sick full-time!  He's amazing!


Jennie said...

It is so fun to have daddy home from work. Ryan worked 1/2 day from home on Friday and then took 1/2 day vacation. The kids were so excited to see him when they walked in the door from school. Too bad I don't seem to generate the same reaction - unless I have cookies. :)

Kristi said...

Should I say I hope Scott is feeling better - or not? I'm so conflicted... ;)

Queen Elizabeth said...

I know the feeling. Way to go Scott!