Wednesday, March 16, 2011

And Speaking of Clowns...

Bozo may freak you out, but you haven't experienced Carney Fear until you've seen my hair today.  It's way over the Big Top.   It was an accident, of course.  I had a color that always worked, but they were out of it at the store.  (Yes, the grocery store.  Judgement, anyone?)  And the brown (rhymes with frown) just didn't look as exciting as "Paint the Town!"  (Hmm...also rhymes with frown.  Did not realize that until it was too late...) I'm sure I'm not the target market for Paint the Town. I'm too old to be experimenting with colors that don't exist in nature and about 50 years too young to get away with looking like I stuck my finger in a socket inside Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.

Aren't there laws protecting people from their own stupidity?  Selling this color should be illegal.  It looks like a cry for help.  I timed the coloring procedure perfectly so that I stepped out of the shower, looked in the mirror and said holy %$#&!! two minutes before I was expecting a violin student.  For the rest of the day, there was no time for a redo.  I sported the cap until Ptolemy ran off with it right before I had to take Ruby to the junior high to register for 7th grade.  The junior high is the last place you want to be when you look like a housewife attempting to"paint the town."  Several other moms said how "hip" and "fun"my hair looked.  Uh-huh.  Suburban code for "Your life must be a wreck!"  Some said, "You're so brave!  I would never dare try that!"  Meaning, "I get my hair done professionally and you would too, if you weren't so poor and dumb."

Araceli said the color of my hair was "witch," but Freestone hugged me and asked with his big, innocent, brown eyes, "Why do you think it looks bad?"  Beauty might be in the eye of the beholder, but I can almost guarantee that beauty doesn't come in this shade.  Back to the drawing board.  No more painting the town for me!


Jennifer said...

Score one for Freestone! No matter the hair color, I am in awe of how young, vibrant and healthy you look. And a bonus: you can laugh at yourself!

Guess you could be like me. I bought a box sometime last summer (yes, from the store), but can't get past all the SEVERE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION warnings. That would be just my luck -- to have green hair and a red scalp. "Mousy" it remains.

Lisa and Tate said...

You really can paint the town and look great doing it!

Maria said...

seriously giggling here! Sooo classic.

michelle said...

This one really does belong over there on the side with the classics! I can hardly wait to see you tomorrow! Oh, and no judging here, my color comes from Walmart-at step down from the grocery store.

Unknown said...

Personally I love the new color. I'm one who never does the same color twice in a row just for fun. I say go with it!!

Jennie said...

I'm with Michelle. Don't change it until we get to see you tomorrow. I bet you can pull this one off. If not... I know a little magician named Julie who can assist in times of need. :)

love.boxes said...

Well, I really liked it. I didn't think you looked poor and dumb. I thought it looked really pretty and it went awesome with your St. Patty's Day ensemble. I always think you look beautiful. Thanks for the book! I'm saving the French Revolution for Sunday afternoon... don't tell ;)

Queen Elizabeth said...

Oddly enough - you can pretty much get away with anything. You truly do look like you're still 18!

(Can I pay for the secret?)

Shane and Kenzie said...

cute Freestone. I think the new hair color is seriously HIP and you of all people can PULL IT OFF! Keep your chin up and show it off, people will wonder why they themselves aren't making a bold move!
PS...have you seen my lightbulb hair? Also another story of hair coloring gone wrong...however, now I totally love it. It's different, and different is GOOD. :)