Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Principal P-Town

My student got sent to the principal's office yesterday for talking back.  OK, she would have gotten sent to the principal's office if there were such a thing at Ruby Academy, and if she wasn't so funny.  Our conversation was about Ruby going to school to do Shakespeare with the rest of the 6th graders.  I told Ruby she should and she told me there was nothing in the world she would hate more.  I said good, she should suffer a little bit and she said,

"Mom, you're so MEAN!  If you think it sounds so fun, YOU should be in a play!  YOU should try out for Taming of the Shrew!"

And I said, "OK, that's it!  You can't talk back like that.  You are soooo going on my blog!"  I think it's worse than going to the principal's office, especially if you consider that Ptolemy is the only person around here who is available to fill the role of principal.

 Principal P-Town inspires fear in the hearts of backtalking sixth graders at Ruby Academy and all over the country.


Jenny said...

The funniest part is P it smiling in all the pictures. Pretty quick on her feet! Really funny! After the fact at least!

Sandy said...

I think you should give yourself kudos that she knew Taming of the Shrew was Shakespeare.

sws said...

That Ptolly is too cute! Ruby is super cute, too~ ! You should audition....in addition to playing the cello...you could do Shakespeare! :) I'd come watch!!

Michelle said...

Oooo! I love Sandy's comment! And the fact Ruby knew that Taming was the perfect play to throw at you! Love that principal P!

Amanda said...

Those pictures of Ptolemy are SOOOO cute! I have some kids who need to go to the principal's office at my house.

Kristi said...

Tolly for Principal! He is too cute in that tie.

laurel said...

He is so cute! And who won? Did you go to try out or did she?