Sunday, March 20, 2011

Neglected by Fairies

As a result of having a lazy, neglectful tooth fairy, our kids have gotten resourceful.  Ruby didn't even tell me she lost a tooth.  She just said casually at breakfast, "Oh, Mom, the tooth fairy left me a note and it said for you to transfer a dollar into my account.  It was a molar."

I'm on it.


Unknown said...

I am so glad we aren't the only ones :)

Anonymous said...

Too funny!...guess with all you have going on and other parents like you, kids have to be resourceful to keep those traditions going!....good thinking Ruby..Circe, you got off easy with a dollar!..guess there is no inflation in the tooth fairy world!..Love you all..PS Alex has five loose teeth, or maybe four, right now!..XO Tricia

laurel said...

That is so dang funny!!! And so glad to know I am not the only one that is a bad fairy. On my first kid, I was a pro. Never missed a tooth. THe second kid, I was good at first. But, then, well you know sleep was the first thing on my mind, not a tooth. But I was good at hiding the money later so they believed they knocked it behind the bed in their sleep.

Third kid, started off with the "oh, you must have knocked it off the bed. Let me find it...oh here it is", as I am hiding it trick. That didn't last. Pretty soon I just handed it to him when he asked the next day. Now he doesn't even ask.

Bad parenting? Maybe, but it has spared my pocket book. In this bad economy that is a good thing. Isn't it?

Thanks for being real and making me own up to what I do. It is easier to admit when you have a friend in your same boat.

michelle said...

Love it! We were sad we missed book club but we love Caddie Woodlawn-we will be there this time!

C and MC said...

Ruby is cool like that. A molar? smartie pants. I just learned what that was last year.

Julia said...

A dollar for a molar? Man, your tooth fairy is cheap!