Monday, March 21, 2011

Xanthe, Xanthe, Xanthe

Xanthe at a recital we had at our house a couple weeks ago.  Did she wonder what all those violin students were doing at our house?

Xanthe asked me the other day on the way home from piano, "Mom, did you ever play an instrument?"  I thought it was so funny that she asked that, because, well, I do own a violin shop and everything. 

So here's Xanthe playing Lightly Row, just in case her kids ever wonder if she ever played an instrument.  By the way, does anyone know where I can get a zoo animal?  Because Xanthe told me that everyone in her school class AND church class has a real, live zoo animal except her.  And it's just embarrassing.  Her top choices are zebra and giraffe, in case anyone has an extra.


michelle said...

Soooo funny! Love that kid!

laurel said...

Wow. Sorry. we don't have any zoo animals here either, even though I think we live in one.

Catherine said...

Lol! Kids sure do know how to make us giggle!!

Now, about the zoo animals. Hmmm...I'll check my back pocket and see if I have a spare zebra to send your way!

Julia said...

We got a hippopotamus for Christmas. Whew! Spell that one! I loved the post. And just because you own a violin shop doesn't mean you play.....