Sunday, March 6, 2011

Jesus' Early Reader Program

Xanthe was troubled and brought me her Book of Mormon.  She said she couldn't tell what it said because she can't read.  I told her, "Just look at the words and see if you can find some that you know, like me, you, go, I, and, for..."

She hugged her book and said gently, "No, that's not following Jesus's plan for me."

I said, "What is Jesus' plan for you?"

She said, "Reading my Book of Mormon like the big kids do."

OK, then, I guess we should get to work on those reading skills.  Fast!  (Again, too bad we don't have any Dr. Seuss books to help with that.)  Xanthe also needs instruction on reading traffic signs.  She saw this one today:
 She pointed and said, "Mom, no kids doing backbends.  And I can do one.  But it says not to."  Does that look like a kid doing a backbend?  I'm glad Xanthe was willing to obey traffic laws, though.  Obedient child.  I'm going to get this sign:
 Do you think it'll work?  I'll tell her I copied it out of the Book of Mormon.  She won't know any better for awhile.


Circe said...

LOL!!! i bet that is because when i taught x to do a backbend she was supposed to follow the triangle she made with her hands!!:D


Michelle said...

You know they have the kind of scriptures at the distribution center that looks like a comic strip. That is what Josh has. Don't you wish you could bottle that desire to be good and save it until they are teen agers? So cute!

laurel said...

You crack me up! Hee he heh. What a sweet girl!

Kristi said...

xanthe is endlessly entertaining....

love.boxes said...

She is wonderful. I think no backbends is a good idea. I would be stuck permanently! I love that Xanthe knows Jesus' plan for her! Good girl!