Friday, March 4, 2011

Dr. Seuss is on the Loose

Freestone came stomping home from school with this indictment of my parenting:

"Mom, my teacher had all the Dr. Seuss books to show the class today, and do you know how many of them I was familiar with?"

He folds his arms and stares me down.


And he waits for an explanation on why we don't have all the Dr. Seuss books in our house like people should, and an apology for causing his public humiliation.  Sorry, kid.  We had all the Dr. Seuss books when Golda was a baby.  I fell for the Book of the Month thing and we eventually had quite a collection.  But you can't read Hop on Pop too many times before you want to (and do) hurl the whole batch of insipid nonsense into the giveaway.  My tongue was tired and my brain was swirled-up and I just wanted to read a story with a plot.  SAM DOESN'T WANT TO TRY THE GREEN EGGS AND HAM, OK?  HE SAID NO!

Who knew the doc could inspire such rage.  I do not like him in a box, I do not like him with a fox.  I do not like him here or there, I do not like him anywhere.  I think he wrote too many pages and I hate books that take you ages.  I want to read a book that's brief, a tale that doesn't cause me grief.  Old Seuss could rhyme, there's proof of that.  But how can you love the Cat in the hat?  He's naughty, sly and underhanded.  Maybe it's me.  I misunderstanded?  And maybe the Lorax can save the planet, but I still want to tell The Doc to CAN IT!


Jennie said...

At least you know they are listening at school. Collin came home and pulled out the collection, displayed it proudly on the fireplace, read books with Izzy, and then made fort out of all the books. It continued from there....
I went to pick Lex up from the Jr. High and when we walked through the door, we heard Ryan reading Dr. Suess complete with the really loud Dr. Suess voice he has mastered.

The only contribution I made to Dr. Suess week was to remind the boys it was crazy hair day today. Collin is sportinga fine faux hawk and Jackson said, "Um No."

Jennifer said...

"I misunderstanded?" Bwa-ha-ha! I'm with you about the tedium of "Hop on Pop," but I like the Dr.
If anything, he left a rhyming legacy perfect for an angry parody. I loved it.

SSWS said...

we are definitely a "seuss" family. I think my kids think the Lorax is part of the "standard works." But Seuss has nothin' on your rhyming!!

C and MC said...

I love your blog. You are at a higher level of blogging.

laurel said...

Okay this post made me feel so much better. I have been reading all my friends' blogs telling how they celebrated Suess' day. I totally didn't remember until I read the blogs. Nice to know I am not the only one who didn't or doesn't have Suess on the top of their list.

love.boxes said...

I'm with you Circ. I did Dr. Seuss for C but, I read Joan Walsh Anglund to l. I'm hoping all the sweet sentiments about gentleness and love will rub off and she might stop turning every kitchen implement into a weapon and roaring at people.
Baby l doesn't need the Lorax. She wears paper diapers and she provides the composting material.

Michelle said...

Yes! Probably my favorite Circe post of all time. And that's saying something! I feel the same way about the Dr. Wanna love him but dang bedtime is already drawn out enough.