Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Usually, when guys get together to watch football, do they pose for a couple of pictures first?  Do they eat on Lenox china?  Do they have centerpieces on their buffet tables?  Are the forks arranged in a perfect pattern?  No, this bowl game party was at least a couple of steps above your average beer-and-chips, man-cave chest beating.  When ten-year-old Tanner saw the spread, complete with perfect fork arrangement, he said to his dad, "Girls.  They have to have everything so perfect."  Uncle Jeff said, "Uh, I'm pretty sure Uncle Scott did that!"

He was right.  Uncle Scott knows how to throw a party!  (And has lots of restaurant experience!) Of course, the Utes almost ruined it but managed to pull out a win right after Ryan left.  He must have been hindering their performance by watching.  Good sacrifice for the team, Ryan.

And that's all there is to report for New Year's Eve.  We are not New Year's people.  Enough disastrous/boring/lame New Years have taught us that it's better to put your pj's on at six, provided you have enough good food and entertainment to last for six hours, and stay home.  No expectations.  That's what we did.  We got out all the good holiday food and had a big dinner at 6:30, followed by a countdown and a toast to the new year at 7:22, just for Xanthe.  I don't know if she believed that that's all there is to New Year's; she looked skeptical.  The important thing was that she was in bed by 7:30.  My dad told Scott, "Xanthe is going to grow up to be on Dr. Phil saying that her parents were mean and put her to bed every night at seven."  Scott said, "It's better than her going on Dr. Phil and saying that her parents used to beat her every night at eight!"  It's true.  After sweet little Xanthe went to sleep in her adorably cute, sparkly room, the energy level dropped to a nice, mellow level.  Games were played, books were read, movies were watched, snacks were consumed and before we all knew it, it was 11:30.  At 11:50, I found Ari and Freestone snuggled in my bed, about to "take a nap."  We managed to postpone the nap for a little Dick Clark, a little shouting on the front porch and some firework viewing.  (Not ours...remember the 4th of July??) 

We got a text message from Coco shortly after midnight saying, "Happy New Year!  Here's to 1012!"  I texted back, "Yes, here's to the Middle Ages!  Whoo hoo!"  And with that, we sleepily entered a new year, but with a laugh.  Happy 2012 to all!  I bet it's a better year than 1012, what with the invention of penicillin, electricity, indoor plumbing and a living model that doesn't include farm animals in the house to provide warmth.  It's going to be a great year!


Jennie said...

Love it! Scott is the hostess with the mostest! Uh... I mean, host with the most. :)

Thanks for letting the boys crash. We are all so sad to see the holiday season come to an end. I'm glad we have next Sunday to keep the party spirit alive.

laurel said...

Coming home from a trip, made me pretty much forget it was New YEars. I picked up a few things, but forgot all the usual things we have. Glad you have a hubby to help out with the festivities.