Friday, January 20, 2012

To Life, To Life, L'Chaim!

Thanks to my Women's Shelter friends for a beautiful shower for Tziporah.  Thanks to Sarah for hosting and making everything so beautiful.  And thanks for all the incredibly generous gifts.  The greatest gift is your friendship, whether it started at pre-ballet or grade school or when we became family.  I love you all!
 Our family.  Tiffany is such a talented artist.  Scott put the family under a glass cake dome on a platter.  It's darling; I'll have to take pictures. 
 Is that the most adorable little outfit you've ever seen?  Michelle made it to coordinate with the colorful blanket.  Colors make me happy!
Doggie bag for Scott.  You might think a cold plate of food isn't enough to honor Scott's part in getting Tizzy here.  But the salad Sarah made, and the home made pot pie, and Michelle's strawberry's a plate of heaven.  Scott loved it!  And just a related note on Sarah's cooking.  This will tell you how good it is.  When we told Golda and Ruby I was expecting Tziporah, one of the first things Ruby said was, "When she's born, Sarah will bring us dinner!"  Another time when I hosted something, Ruby texted me, "If Sarah brings anything, save some for me!"  Yes, Sarah's cooking has fans.  Did I have this baby so that my friends would celebrate with me in their fabulous way?  Maybe.  :)  But have you seen how these women celebrate life??  I want to be just like them when I grow up, and I hope Tziporah is too!


Michelle said...

It was such a fun lunch! Women's shelter is priceless and we love you!

The homestead said...

Your family figurines are so cute! That is fun to have everyone frozen in time.

Queen Elizabeth said...


Jennie said...

So much fun. I'm glad the picture Izzy took of us turned out. I thought for sure I would be trying to talk saying, "squeeze us in - can you see everyone?" :)

What a perfect day. I have Tz on the brain. I just keeping hopin' and prayin' that this little beauty arrives safe and sound. She is going to be so loved!

sws said...

Fun photos and thanks for the nice words....the Dopps are too nice. It was a beautiful day that ended too soon...but hooray for next week!