Saturday, January 28, 2012

Most of the closets are cleaned out.  Corners are vacuumed, walls are wiped down.  I even gave away some new sheets, which Scott had a fit over as he rescued them out of the give-away bag.  I got carried away, OK?!  It's not my fault; it's just a biological instinct.  I'm glad I finally have some nesting kicking in.  I was so lethargic, I thought we might have to bring Tziporah home to a grimy hovel full of six kids' outgrown clothes and old homework papers.  You would not believe what a kid can accumulate under their bed! 

Ruby and I went shopping for laundry detergent, fabric softener and Febreze this afternoon.  Does that sound fun to anyone?  Ruby and I love clean smells.  When Ruby was little, she was known to hide a cup of laundry soap under her bed to smell if life got rough.  I can totally relate.  Weird?  Maybe, but the Dopps are going to smell SO good that you won't even notice if Ptolemy's 200 blocks are spread over 2,000 square feet.  Mix Gain-scented Febreze with the powdery smell of a baby and we're going to practically be living in paradise when this baby gets here!


Nate said...

Amazing how you find the time and energy to clean that much! Gives me inspiration.

Michelle said...

Well done! Bring on the baby!

Catherine said...

It's fun to be nesting!! What a sense of accomplishment and it looks and smells great to boot!

Congrats...down to days now!!