Monday, January 2, 2012

Heavenly Peace

The Christmas break ruined me as a functioning human being.  I can't even imagine having to get up early, get all the kids dressed in something that's not polka-dot flannel, and send them off to school.  Practicing?  All those insipid pages of homework?  Reading charts, packing lunches, overlapping lessons, bedtimes.  How did we ever do it?  And how are we going to do it again, and without the aid of large amount of fudge, no less?

This Christmas break brings two words to mind:  Heavenly peace.  I can't remember a break I so thoroughly enjoyed.  I want to write down the secret recipe for stress-free bliss with Scott and the kids, but I don't know exactly what we did to make it so fun.  Some things I remember through the nog-induced fog:

-Don't plan anything after Christmas.  Make the break completely different from real life.  "A change is as good as a rest."  The week after Christmas is uniquely quiet.  Let it be still.
-Ask Santa for some games and say yes whenever the kids want to play them.  A good game of Battleship is a better memory than going to bed on time.
 -Clean up Christmas right away - the gifts and wrapping, etc - so we can enjoy the tree and holiday atmosphere without a big mess.
-Have lots of food on hand.  Rolls, cold cuts, salads, pots of soup, ham and eggs, chips, fruit, plenty of egg nog and Coke and enough chocolate to kill a horse.
-No practicing.  I really had to gear up for this one, but it was so worth it.  No accomplishing stuff.  This is vacation!  Perfect the art of doing nothing.
-Let the kids do what they want to do.  Don't ask them what they want to do.  Just let them be.  And since their pajamas are brand-new, let them wear them all day.  Just wash them whenever the kids take them off!
-And speaking of laundry, keep it going, along with the dishes and keeping everything picked up.  With all those kids to help, order can be restored several times a day with minimal interruptions to Wii time.
-You know that exhausting job of being a parent every minute?  Let it go.  The kids are fine.  Read a book.

There you go, my notes to myself for next year.  Who knows how we'll feel by then, though?  I just hope something happens to me before tomorrow, like a jolt of energy that will propel me out of bed and back into a world devoid of twinkling lights, sparkling drinks and cozy flannel.  Oh, why does Christmas have to be over?


Michelle said...

I am feeling the exact same way! How are we going to do it tomorrow?

Nate said...

I love your descriptions of a peaceful break. You have an amazing ability to maintain equilibrium with six plus kids and lots going on:)

Catherine said...

Ahhh....sweet Heavenly Peace! Need to take note of this for years to come.

Hope you're still enjoying lots of down time if your kiddos are still off school.

Sandy W. said...

Hi Circe! Just thought I would check in to follow-up on Xanthe's summary of the Dopp family comings and goings. Love this post - we had back to school blues around our house for sure!